tinkershack / fluffy

Fluffy watches, reports Linux on-disk filesystem events faithfully. Comes with a CLI framework/tool for convenience. The library, libfluffy, can be independently used in other projects.
The Unlicense
32 stars 9 forks source link

Thank you good sir #14

Closed alicektx closed 4 years ago

alicektx commented 4 years ago

..."Reports events faithfully. There are popular libraries/tools built already that do a poor job at reporting the events..."

Lost a good amount of time (and almost my...hope), fiddling around with this or that or the other - no names needed. What the heck...

No real 'issue' here (hence closing it asap), but after the frustration, for whatever it's worth it, i just felt the need of saying 'thank you': simple in it's usage, clear & end-user friendly in it's displayed results, it simply...delivers. :thumbsup: :v:

raamsri commented 4 years ago

@alicektx Cheers mate! Happy to help ;)