tinkershack / fluffy

Fluffy watches, reports Linux on-disk filesystem events faithfully. Comes with a CLI framework/tool for convenience. The library, libfluffy, can be independently used in other projects.
The Unlicense
32 stars 9 forks source link
cli filesystem-events freedom inotify inotify-library linux notification-library watch wip

In the spirit of true freedom, Fluffy is Unlicensed. Free as in do what ever pleases you sort of freedom and free beer as well! Fluffy believes that a piece of software is free(freedom?) only when it has severed ties with licenses, copyrights, intellectual property rights and other crap of similar kind. Attribution is a kind gesture, Fluffy appreciates it but doesn't fret if you fail to say "good dog!"

Fluffy reports on-disk filesystem events faithfully and celebrates craftsmanship.

Fluffy - A 'free' watchdog for Linux on-disk filesystems [WIP]

Fluffy is a convenient CLI tool, libfluffy is what you will find under the hood. libfluffy uses the inotify kernel subsystem.

There are challenges in using the native inotify library effectively; Michael Kerrisk provides a lucid description. Fluffy's magic cuts through all the challenges cleanly.

Why Fluffy?

There are other implementations of filesystem watchers already, why Fluffy?



libfluffy is a better choice if you are planning to use it in production. fluffy.h has the interface description and callables.
example.c provides a sample.

libfluffy code is fairly documented. fluffy.h would be good place to start the trail. From there, jump to the corresponding function definition in fluffy.c and follow the calls thereafter. Should you feel that it's a bit confusing, head to the example.c to get a sense of the flow.

API list

Please look at fluffy.h for description. This is just a list of function calls available.

Primary functions

int fluffy_init(int (*user_event_fn) (
    const struct fluffy_event_info *eventinfo,
    void *user_data), void *user_data);

int fluffy_add_watch_path(int fluffy_handle, const char *pathtoadd);

int fluffy_remove_watch_path(int fluffy_handle, const char *pathtoremove);

int fluffy_wait_until_done(int fluffy_handle);

int fluffy_no_wait(int fluffy_handle);

int fluffy_destroy(int fluffy_handle);

Helper functions

int fluffy_print_event(const struct fluffy_event_info *eventinfo,
    void *user_data);

int fluffy_reinitiate_context(int fluffy_handle);

int fluffy_reinitiate_all_contexts();

int fluffy_set_max_queued_events(const char *max_size);

int fluffy_set_max_user_instances(const char *max_size);

int fluffy_set_max_user_watches(const char *max_size);

A simple example program using libfluffy

 * example.c
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <fluffy.h>

main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int ret = 0;
    int flhandle = 0;       /* Fluffy handle */
    int rc = EXIT_SUCCESS;  /* Return code */

    if (argc < 2) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Atleast a path required.\n");

        /* /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches */
    ret = fluffy_set_max_user_watches("524288");
    if (ret != 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "fluffy_set_max_user_watches fail\n");

        /* /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_queued_events */
    ret = fluffy_set_max_queued_events("524288");
    if (ret != 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "fluffy_set_max_queued_events fail\n");

     * Initiate fluffy and print events on the standard out with the help
     * of libfluffy's print event helper function.
     * Look at fluffy.h for help with plugfing your custom event handler
    flhandle = fluffy_init(fluffy_print_event, (void *)&flhandle);
    if (flhandle < 1) {
        fprintf(stderr, "fluffy_init fail\n");

    do {
        /* Watch argv[1] */
        ret = fluffy_add_watch_path(flhandle, argv[1]);
        if (ret != 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "fluffy_add_watch_path %s fail\n", argv[1]);
            rc = EXIT_FAILURE;

        /* Let us not exit until Fluffy exits/returns */
        ret = fluffy_wait_until_done(flhandle);
        if (ret != 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "fluffy_wait_until_done fail\n");
            rc = EXIT_FAILURE;
    } while(0);

    if (rc != EXIT_SUCCESS) {
        ret = fluffy_destroy(flhandle); /* Destroy Fluffy context */


The above code block is available as example.c in ./fluffy/libfluffy/, run make example from within the libfluffy directory to compile the example program.

Until the documentation is completed, these Stack Overflow answers may be of some reference.

Inotify: Odd behavior with directory creations

Inotify linux watching subdirectories

How to use inotifywait to watch files within folder instead of folder


Don't mind getting your hands dirty?

# Fork and clone this repo
# Ensure glib-2.0 has been installed
# cd to fluffy dir
make            # `make clean` to cleanup

# If you see errors, please consider creating an issue here.
# No erros? Cool, let's proceed.
make install    # `make uninstall` to uninstall

# The framework, along with the library, has been installed.

# Run help
fluffyctl --help-all

fluffy --help

# Try
# Execute fluffy first

# Open a new terminal to execute fluffyctl
# Let's watch /var/log & /tmp
fluffyctl -w /var/log -w /tmp

# You must see some action at the terminal where fluffy is run.
# Nothing yet?
ls -l /var/log  # Still nothing? We may have a problem!

# Let's ignore /tmp, not interested watching anymore.
fluffyctl -I /tmp

# More? Let's quit fluffy so that you can start over & explore.
fluffy exit

# If you are interested only in the library, you can choose to compile 
# just the library.
cd ./libfluffy

# There will now be a libfluffy.a archive file(static library), you can
# link against it in your projects.

# example.c shows a simple usage of the library
make example

# Modify example.c to play around. Run `make example` when you wish
# to compile the modified example.c for testing.

CLI invocations

fluffy usage

root@six-k:~# fluffy -h
  fluffy [OPTION...] [exit]

Help Options:
  -h, --help                     Show help options

Application Options:
  -O, --outfile=./out.fluffy     File to print output [default:stdout] Ensure that it's NOT located within the watch path to prevent a recurring feedback loop!
  -E, --errfile=./err.fluffy     File to print errors [default:stderr] Ensure that it's NOT located within the watch path to prevent a recurring feedback loop!

fluffyctl usage

root@six-k:~# fluffyctl --help-all
  fluffyctl [OPTION...] ["/path/to/hogwarts/kitchen"]

'fluffyctl' controls 'fluffy' program.
fluffy must be invoked before adding/removing watches.  By default all 
file system events are watched and reported. --help-events will show the 
options to modify this behaviour

Help Options:
  -h, --help                                      Show help options
  --help-all                                      Show all help options
  --help-events                                   File system events to report

When an option or more from 'events' group is passed, only those events 
will be reported. When a new invocation of fluffyctl sets any 'events' 
option, previously set events choice is discarded; overrides.

  --all                                           Watch all possible events [default]
  --access                                        Watch file access
  --modify                                        Watch file modifications
  --attrib                                        Watch metadata change
  --close-write                                   Watch closing of file opened for writing
  --close-nowrite                                 Watch closing of file/dir not opened for writing
  --open                                          Watch opening of file/dir
  --moved-from                                    Watch renames/moves: reports old file/dir name
  --moved-to                                      Watch renames/moves: reports new file/dir name
  --create                                        Watch creation of files/dirs
  --delete                                        Watch deletion of files/dirs
  --root-delete                                   Watch root path deletions
  --root-move                                     Watch root path moves/renames
  --isdir                                         Watch for events that occur against a directory
  --unmount                                       Watch for unmount of the backing filesystem ['isdir' not raised]
  --queue-overflow                                Watch for event queue overflows ['isdir' not raised]
  --ignored                                       Watch for paths ignored by Fluffy(not watched) ['isdir' not raised]
  --root-ignored                                  Watch for root paths ignored(not watched) ['isdir' not raised]
  --watch-empty                                   Watch whether all Fluffy watches are removed ['isdir' not raised]

Application Options:
  -w, --watch=/grimmauld/place/12                 Paths to watch recursively. Repeat flag for multiple paths.
  -W, --watch-glob                                Paths to watch recursively: supports wildcards. Any non-option argument passed will be considered as paths. [/hogwarts/*/towers]
  -i, --ignore=/knockturn/alley/borgin/brukes     Paths to ignore recursively. Repeat flag for multiple paths.
  -I, --ignore-glob                               Paths to ignore recursively: supports wildcards. Any non-option argument passed will be considered as paths. [/hogwarts/*/dungeons]
  -U, --max-user-watches=524288                   Upper limit on the number of watches per uid [fluffy defaults 524288]
  -Q, --max-queued-events=524288                  Upper limit on the number of events [fluffy defaults 524288]
  -z, --reinit                                    Reinitiate watch on all root paths. [Avoid unless necessary]

Fluffy event log snippet

MODIFY, /var/log/daemon.log
MODIFY, /var/log/syslog
MODIFY, /var/log/kern.log
MODIFY, /var/log/messages
GNORED, /var/log/apache2
IGNORED,        /var/log/tor
IGNORED,        /var/log/vmware
CREATE,ISDIR,   /tmp/test
ACCESS,ISDIR,   /tmp/test
ACCESS,ISDIR,   /tmp/test
CREATE, /tmp/test/f1
OPEN,   /tmp/test/f1
ATTRIB, /tmp/test/f1
CLOSE_WRITE,    /tmp/test/f1
OPEN,   /tmp/test/f1
MODIFY, /tmp/test/f1
MODIFY, /tmp/test/f1
MODIFY, /tmp/test/f1
CLOSE_WRITE,    /tmp/test/f1

Perform actions on events from CLI

CAUTION It's recommended that you use libfluffy to perform sophisticated actions on events rather than scripting with CLI usage.

Let's consider a trivial action: ls -l the path on a MODIFY event

At terminal:1

root@six-k:/home/lab/fluffy# fluffy | \
while read events path; do \
    if echo $events | grep -qie "MODIFY"; then \
        ls -l $path; \
    fi \

At terminal:2

root@six-k:/opt/test2# fluffyctl -w ./
root@six-k:/opt/test2# touch f1
root@six-k:/opt/test2# ls -l
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Mar 18 19:38 f1
root@six-k:/opt/test2# echo "this is a MODIFY" | cat >> f1
root@six-k:/opt/test2# echo "this is another MODIFY" | cat >> f1
root@six-k:/opt/test2# fluffy exit

Output from terminal:1: [cont.]

root@six-k:/home/lab/fluffy# fluffy | \
> while read events path; do \
>     if echo $events | grep -qie "MODIFY"; then \
>         ls -l $path; \
>     fi \
> done
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 17 Mar 18 19:38 /opt/test2/f1
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 40 Mar 18 19:38 /opt/test2/f1

TODO: Fluffy is a WIP

There's still quite a few more to be done but these are the primary ones