Open ghost opened 3 years ago
OK, so I ported my canvas2D code over to WebGL (using the canvas2D as a texture). CPU usage went down from 60% to 5%, but then as I started adding more UI features back in, the CPU usage was going up quite fast. But I no longer suspect the animation loop, and that's why I posted back.
I was also thinking for a time that the overhead on wasm/js bridge was too high, but I am pretty sure that is also not the problem here. I think actually I am seeing fill rate limitations. Pretty sure firefox is using a hardware surface for rendering, and the GPU should handle this "Radeon Pro 460 4096 MB". So my latest theory is that this is a bug in macos, since I see WindowServer CPU usage starting to spike. I found a couple threads talking about a possible bug in scaled 4K support... Anyway, I just wanted to post back some details in case someone else goes down this route. Fell free to close this topic.
It's hard to say exactly what is causing the performance drop. Both Firefox and Chrome have a built-in profiler, which you could try to use (so far I found the Chrome profiler easier to use).
Thanks. I tried with Firefox performance tools, and can see 80% of the time in texImage2D. I am using canvas (2D) to do some drawing, text, and SVG->Image()->'drawImage'. I then use 'texImage2D' with the canvas2D as a source: ie this webgl2 method:
void gl.texImage2D(target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, format, type, HTMLCanvasElement source);
I was expecting a GPU-GPU blit (canvas->texture) using the approach, i.e. fast enough that I should be able to to this on every single frame... That does not seem to be the case. Of course if this is triggering a read-back on a 4K canvas it would explain a lot :) Thanks for the tip, maybe I have to look for an alternative approach.
I just had a thought that it might be pixel format, but I am using RGBA for the texture, and pretty sure canvas is the same.
gl.TexImage2D(TEXTURE_2D, 0, RGBA, RGBA, UNSIGNED_BYTE, &PixelSource{canvas.canvas})
Anyway, I also realised this is now more an issue with my understanding of canvas & WebGL, and unrelated to tinygo. So apologies for the noise, and thanks for a great tool!
So I had quite a complex thread safe WAF loop using channels, but then realised it was overkill with javascript being mostly single threaded. And anyway it seemed to cause a lot of resume() calls due to a
with 6 channel reads. So I simplified the code now, but it still seems to use a lot of CPU even when rendering a simple scene with a clearRect and fillRect (every frame). I was just looking for some input please on if I am doing something obviously wrong in my animation loop?tinygo version 0.15.0 darwin/amd64 (using go version go1.15.3 and LLVM version 10.0.1) macos 10.12.4 firefox 68.12
Also is using a chan like this the best way to prevent the wasm reaching the end of main and terminating?