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Recent STM32WL's TIM structs changes. #1939

Closed ofauchon closed 2 years ago

ofauchon commented 3 years ago


As I was trying to finish my STM32WL port, I found out that STM32WL's TIM Struct differs from older STM32:

STM32WL TIM Structs:

// Low-power timer
type LPTIM_Type struct {
    ISR       volatile.Register32 // 0x0
    ICR       volatile.Register32 // 0x4
    IER       volatile.Register32 // 0x8
    CFGR      volatile.Register32 // 0xC
    CR        volatile.Register32 // 0x10
    CMP       volatile.Register32 // 0x14
    ARR       volatile.Register32 // 0x18
    CNT       volatile.Register32 // 0x1C
    LPTIM1_OR volatile.Register32 // 0x20
    _         [4]byte
    RCR       volatile.Register32 // 0x28

// General-purpose timers
type TIM_Type struct {
    CR1          volatile.Register32 // 0x0
    CR2          volatile.Register32 // 0x4
    _            [4]byte
    DIER         volatile.Register32 // 0xC
    SR           volatile.Register32 // 0x10
    EGR          volatile.Register32 // 0x14
    CCMR1_Output volatile.Register32 // 0x18
    _            [4]byte
    CCER         volatile.Register32 // 0x20
    CNT          volatile.Register32 // 0x24
    PSC          volatile.Register32 // 0x28
    ARR          volatile.Register32 // 0x2C
    RCR          volatile.Register32 // 0x30
    CCR1         volatile.Register32 // 0x34
    _            [12]byte
    BDTR         volatile.Register32 // 0x44
    DCR          volatile.Register32 // 0x48
    DMAR         volatile.Register32 // 0x4C
    TIM16_OR1    volatile.Register32 // 0x50
    _            [12]byte
    TIM16_AF1    volatile.Register32 // 0x60
    _            [4]byte
    TIM16_TISEL  volatile.Register32 // 0x68

// Advanced-control timers
type AdavanceTIM_Type struct {
    CR1                    volatile.Register32 // 0x0
    CR2                    volatile.Register32 // 0x4
    SMCR                   volatile.Register32 // 0x8
    DIER                   volatile.Register32 // 0xC
    SR                     volatile.Register32 // 0x10
    EGR                    volatile.Register32 // 0x14
    CCMR1_Output           volatile.Register32 // 0x18
    CCMR2_Output           volatile.Register32 // 0x1C
    CCER                   volatile.Register32 // 0x20
    CNT                    volatile.Register32 // 0x24
    PSC                    volatile.Register32 // 0x28
    ARR                    volatile.Register32 // 0x2C
    RCR                    volatile.Register32 // 0x30
    CCR1                   volatile.Register32 // 0x34
    CCR2                   volatile.Register32 // 0x38
    CCR3                   volatile.Register32 // 0x3C
    CCR4                   volatile.Register32 // 0x40
    BDTR                   volatile.Register32 // 0x44
    DCR                    volatile.Register32 // 0x48
    DMAR                   volatile.Register32 // 0x4C
    OR1                    volatile.Register32 // 0x50
    CCMR3OutputComparemode volatile.Register32 // 0x54
    CCR5                   volatile.Register32 // 0x58
    CCR6                   volatile.Register32 // 0x5C
    AF1                    volatile.Register32 // 0x60
    AF2                    volatile.Register32 // 0x64
    TISEL                  volatile.Register32 // 0x68
// Advanced-timers
type TIM_Type struct {
    CR1          volatile.Register32 // 0x0
    CR2          volatile.Register32 // 0x4
    SMCR         volatile.Register32 // 0x8
    DIER         volatile.Register32 // 0xC
    SR           volatile.Register32 // 0x10
    EGR          volatile.Register32 // 0x14
    CCMR1_Output volatile.Register32 // 0x18
    CCMR2_Output volatile.Register32 // 0x1C
    CCER         volatile.Register32 // 0x20
    CNT          volatile.Register32 // 0x24
    PSC          volatile.Register32 // 0x28
    ARR          volatile.Register32 // 0x2C
    RCR          volatile.Register32 // 0x30
    CCR1         volatile.Register32 // 0x34
    CCR2         volatile.Register32 // 0x38
    CCR3         volatile.Register32 // 0x3C
    CCR4         volatile.Register32 // 0x40
    BDTR         volatile.Register32 // 0x44
    DCR          volatile.Register32 // 0x48
    DMAR         volatile.Register32 // 0x4C

This differences cause errors when trying to use STM32WL's timers with current machine_stm32_tim implementation.

@kenbell : Did you encounter this problem when you worked on the STM32 TIM and PWM implementation ?

Do you have any idea how to solve that ?

At last resort, we can always 'fork' the machine_stm32_tim.go code, or patch the STM32WL's svd files (if old and new timers are more or less compatible)



kenbell commented 3 years ago

This might need some PRs against the stm32-rs project

For other chips, I think TIM_Type and AdvanceTIM_Type typically get merged into a single type TIM_Type - it looks like AdavanceTIM_Type is a superset of TIM_Type, so this is probably the first thing to investigate. It might be some SVD patches would make sense to the stm32-rs project to make it like the other ST chips. (there's a typo in the name of AdavanceTIM_Type so it would be good to at least get that patched).

If that doesn't happen, an unsafe cast might fix it, since the underlying data-structures look compatible?

For the low-power timers, I've ignored them on the other boards. To support them, they look different enough they're probably worth treating like another class of peripheral (that also does PWM, with it's own implementation).

kenbell commented 3 years ago

You can try changing the stm32wle5.yaml file to have this content:

_svd: ../svd/stm32wle5.svd

# Remove the bogus _CM4 from the name
# and put all timers (except low-power timers) in
# the TIM group, consistent with other chips.
  name: STM32WLE5
    groupName: TIM

You'll then need to do a make in lib/stm32-svd/ and then do make gen-device-stm32. There's a bit more of a write-up here: https://github.com/tinygo-org/tinygo/wiki/Adding-support-for-an-STM32-MCU

ofauchon commented 3 years ago

Thanks @kenbell

ofauchon commented 3 years ago

Hi @kenbell,

Still stuck with this issue. No success with patching stm32-rs or device/stm32/stm32wle5.go file.

Could you please make some quick tests on your side ? I'm affraid stm32wle5's timers differs a lot from other stm32.



kenbell commented 3 years ago

Yeah - I'll take a look. I'm working on some improvements to the tool that processes SVD files to help improve some of this, but it's slow going.

ofauchon commented 3 years ago

Hi @kenbell .

I'm still stuck on the STM32WLE5's timers. I was wondering if you could work on SVD processing tool improvements.

I'm not sure if I should propose a PR in stm32-rs (for the fix you proposed earlier in the discussion) or if we could fix that in Tinygo itself ?


kenbell commented 3 years ago

Sorry - i've been busy for the longest time :( I've just raised a PR to move all the timers into the TIM group in stm32-rs.


ofauchon commented 3 years ago

Hi @kenbell,

Thank you very much for your help on this issue.


kenbell commented 3 years ago

The change has been merged in stm32-rs, this PR will update the repo of fully-patched SVD files: https://github.com/tinygo-org/stm32-svd/pull/4

kenbell commented 3 years ago

@ofauchon - I've borrowed a bunch of your code and raised a PR, so i think we're in good shape: https://github.com/tinygo-org/tinygo/pull/2248

If we go with my PR, I cut out a bunch of stuff i couldn't verify like SPI (most of my kit is in storage). The PLL stuff wasn't working - but not sure if my fault, so it's just running at the default 4Mhz from reset. Could you raise a PR to add in all the stuff I've cut out.

If you'd sooner raise a PR from your branch with complete support and merge some of my changes (mostly adding more timers), please do so and I'll cancel my PR.

ofauchon commented 3 years ago

Thanks @kenbell , let's go with your PR, you helped so much !

I'll PR over your code to add extra features !



ofauchon commented 3 years ago

Solved by latest commits in dev branch.

deadprogram commented 3 years ago

Reopening until this code is part of next release.