A framework for open world style scene streaming in Unity
the entire world is split up into scenes that represent every cell in the grid for each (A)x(A) area.
where A is the world unit cell size specified in the settings object
for each cell, there are two scenes, LOD0 and LOD1. to load varying detail based on distance
As a base for the entire world, there is a Settings Scene that is always loaded named:
this scene should always be the Active scene, as it will be used for lighting settings / fog / etc...
since other cell scenes will be loaded and unloaded additively, if we rely on settings for those, they will be lost.
This way we only have to set scene settings for one scene as opposed to trying to keep all the cell scenes' settings consistent
directional lights / weather systems or anything of that sort that should persist throughout the entire world should be kept in the settings scene
for each cell in the world, the scene name will be as follows:
(X) (Y) @ LOD (I) @OW (WorldScene)
(X) _ (Y) is the cell for the scene
(I) is the LOD level for that scene, either 0 or 1
(WorldScene) is the name of the cell
if you want to change the name of the cell make sure to keep everything before ' @OW_ ' the way it is.
also remember to change both lod versions' names
when at a distance, LOD1 is loaded (terrain, big landmark objects)
when closer, LOD0 is loaded as well (items, navmesh stuff, etc...)
grids around the calculated player cell are loaded and unloaded based on their distance.
the current player cell is set to the cell where the camera is currently.
-all scenes created are added to the build settings for the project automatically
-system currently only works for positive cells: (0,0) and above