tiredofit / docker-nginx-php-fpm

Dockerized web server and interpreter image with many customizable options
MIT License
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This repository will build a Nginx w/PHP-FPM docker image, suitable for serving PHP scripts, or utilizing as a base image for installing additional software.


Table of Contents

Prerequisites and Assumptions


Build from Source

Clone this repository and build the image with docker build -t (imagename) .

Prebuilt Images

Builds of the image are available on Docker Hub

docker pull docker.io/tiredofit/nginx-php-fpm:(imagetag)

Builds of the image are also available on the Github Container Registry

docker pull ghcr.io/tiredofit/docker-nginx-php-fpm:(imagetag)

The following image tags are available along with their tagged release based on what's written in the Changelog:

PHP version Alpine Base Tag Debian Base Tag
latest edge :alpine-edge
8.3.x 3.20 :8.3-alpine Bookworm :8.3-debian-bookworm
8.2.x 3.20 :8.2-alpine Bookworm :8.2-debian-bookworm
8.1.x 3.19 :8.1-alpine Bookworm :8.1-debian-bookworm
8.0.x 3.16 :8.0-alpine Bookworm :8.0-debian-bookworm
7.4.x 3.15 :7.4-alpine Bookworm :7.4-debian-bookworm
7.3.x 3.12 :7.3-alpine Bookworm :7.3-debian-bookworm
7.2.x 3.9 :7.2-alpine
7.1.x 3.7 :7.1-alpine
7.0.x 3.5 :7.0-alpine
5.6.x 3.8 :5.6-alpine
5.5.x 3.4 :5.5-latest
5.3.x 3.4 :5.3-latest

Multi Architecture

Images are built primarily for amd64 architecture, and may also include builds for arm/v7, arm64 and others. These variants are all unsupported. Consider sponsoring my work so that I can work with various hardware. To see if this image supports multiple architecures, type docker manifest (image):(tag)


Quick Start

The container starts up and reads from /etc/nginx/nginx.conf for some basic configuration and to listen on port 73 internally for Nginx Status responses. Configuration of websites are done in /etc/services.available with the filename pattern of site.conf. You must set an environment variable for NGINX_SITE_ENABLED if you have more than one configuration in there if you only want to enable one of the configurartions, otherwise it will enable all of them. Use NGINX_SITE_ENABLED=null to break a parent image declaration.

Use this as a starting point for your site configurations:

  server {
      ### Don't Touch This
      listen {{NGINX_LISTEN_PORT}};
      server_name localhost;
      root {{NGINX_WEBROOT}};

      ### Populate your custom directives here
      index  index.php index.html index.htm;

      # Deny access to any files with a .php extension in the uploads directory
      location ~* /(?:uploads|files)/.*\.php$ {
          deny all;

      location / {
          try_files \$uri \$uri/ /index.php?\$args;

      ### Populate your custom directives here
      location ~ \.php(/|\$) {
          include /etc/nginx/snippets/php-fpm.conf;
          fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+?\.php)(/.+)\$;
          fastcgi_param PATH_INFO \$fastcgi_path_info;
          fastcgi_index index.php;
          include fastcgi_params;
          fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME \$document_root\$fastcgi_script_name;

      ### Don't edit past here
      include /etc/nginx/snippets/site_optimization.conf;
      include /etc/nginx/snippets/exploit_protection.conf;

Persistent Storage

The container starts up and reads from /etc/nginx/nginx.conf for some basic configuration and to listen on port 73 internally for Nginx Status responses. /etc/nginx/conf.d contains a sample configuration file that can be used to customize a nginx server block.

The following directories are used for configuration and can be mapped for persistent storage.

Directory Description
/www/html Root Directory
/www/logs Nginx and php-fpm logfiles

Environment Variables

Base Images used

This image relies on an Alpine Linux or Debian Linux base image that relies on an init system for added capabilities. Outgoing SMTP capabilities are handlded via msmtp. Individual container performance monitoring is performed by zabbix-agent. Additional tools include: bash,curl,less,logrotate, nano. Be sure to view the following repositories to understand all the customizable options:

Image Description
OS Base Customized Image based on Alpine Linux
Nginx Nginx webserver

Container Options

The container has an ability to work in 3 modes, nginx-php-fpm (default) is an All in One image with nginx and php-fpm working together, nginx will only utilize nginx however not the included php-fpm instance, allowing for connecting to multiple remote php-fpm backends, and finally php-fpm to operate PHP-FPM in standalone mode.

Parameter Description Default
PHP_FPM_CONTAINER_MODE Mode of running container nginx-php-fpm, nginx, php-fpm nginx-php-fpm

When PHP_FPM_CONTAINER_MODE set to nginx the PHP_FPM_LISTEN_PORT environment variable is ignored and the PHP_FPM_HOST variable defined below changes. You can add multiple PHP-FPM hosts to the backend in this syntax

: seperated by commas e.g `php-fpm-container1:9000,php-fpm-container2:9000` *You can also pass arguments to each server as defined in the [Nginx Upstream Documentation](https://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_upstream_module.html)* | Parameter | Description | Default | | ------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------- | | `PHP_APC_SHM_SIZE` | APC Cache Memory size - `0` to disable | `128M` | | `PHP_APC_TTL` | APC Time to live in seconds | `7200` | | `PHP_FPM_HOST` | PHP-FPM Host, dependenent on PHP_FPM_LISTEN_TYPE, add multiple with commas | `` or `/var/run/php-fpm.sock` | | `PHP_FPM_LISTEN_TYPE` | PHP-FPM listen type `UNIX` sockets or `TCP` sockets | `unix` | | `PHP_FPM_LISTEN_TCP_IP` | PHP-FPM Listening IP if `PHP_LISTEN_TYPE=TCP` | `` | | `PHP_FPM_LISTEN_TCP_IP_ALLOWED` | PHP-FPM allow only these hosts if `PHP_LISTEN_TYPE=TCP` | `` | | `PHP_FPM_LISTEN_TCP_PORT` | PHP-FPM Listening Port - Ignored with above container options | `9000` | | `PHP_FPM_LISTEN_UNIX_SOCKET` | PHP-FPM Listen Socket if `PHP_LISTEN_TYPE=UNIX` | `/var/run/php-fpm.sock` | | `PHP_FPM_LISTEN_UNIX_SOCKET_USER` | PHP-FPM Listen Socket user `PHP_LISTEN_TYPE=UNIX` | `${NGINX_USER}` or `${UNIT_USER}` | | `PHP_FPM_LISTEN_UNIX_SOCKET_GROUP` | PHP-FPM Listen Socket group `PHP_LISTEN_TYPE=UNIX` | `${NGINX_GROUP}` or `${UNIT_GROUP}` | | `PHP_FPM_MAX_CHILDREN` | Maximum Children | `75` | | `PHP_FPM_MAX_REQUESTS` | How many requests before spawning new server | `500` | | `PHP_FPM_MAX_SPARE_SERVERS` | Maximum Spare Servers available | `3` | | `PHP_FPM_MIN_SPARE_SERVERS` | Minium Spare Servers avaialble | `1` | | `PHP_FPM_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE` | Output buffer size in bytes | `0` | | `PHP_FPM_POST_INIT_COMMAND` | If you wish to execute a command before php-fpm executes, enter it here and seperate multiples by comma. | | | `PHP_FPM_POST_INIT_SCRIPT` | If you wish to execute a script before php-fpm executes, enter it here and seperate multiples by comma. | | | `PHP_FPM_PROCESS_MANAGER` | How to handle processes `static`, `ondemand`, `dynamic` | `dynamic` | | `PHP_FPM_START_SERVERS` | How many FPM servers to start initially | `2` | | `PHP_FPM_USER` | User to run PHP-FPM master process as | `${NGINX_USER}` or `${UNIT_USER}` | | `PHP_HIDE_X_POWERED_BY` | Hide X-Powered by response | `TRUE` | | `PHP_LOG_ACCESS_FILE` | PHP Access Logfile Name | `access.log` | | `PHP_LOG_ERROR_FILE` | Logfile name | `error.log` | | `PHP_LOG_LEVEL` | PHP Log Level `alert` `error` `warning` `notice` `debug` | `notice` | | `PHP_LOG_ACCESS_FORMAT` | Log format - `default` or `json` | `default` | | `PHP_LOG_LIMIT` | Characters to log | `2048` | | `PHP_LOG_LOCATION` | Log Location for PHP Logs | `/www/logs/php-fpm` | | `PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT` | How much memory should PHP use | `128M` | | `PHP_OPCACHE_INTERNED_STRINGS_BUFFER` | OPCache interned strings buffer | `8` | | `PHP_OPCACHE_JIT_BUFFER_SIZE` | JIT Buffer Size `0` to disable | `50M` | | `PHP_OPCACHE_JIT_MODE` | JIT [CRTO](https://wiki.php.net/rfc/jit) Mode - > PHP 8.x | `1255` | | `PHP_OPCACHE_MAX_ACCELERATED_FILES` | OPCache Max accelerated files | `10000` | | `PHP_OPCACHE_MEM_SIZE` | OPCache Memory Size - Set `0` to disable or via other env vars | `128` | | `PHP_OPCACHE_REVALIDATE_FREQ` | OPCache revalidate frequency in seconds | `2` | | `PHP_OPCACHE_MAX_WASTED_PERCENTAGE` | Max wasted percentage cache | `5` | | `PHP_OPCACHE_VALIDATE_TIMESTAMPS` | Validate timestamps `1` or `0` | `1` | | `PHP_OPCACHE_SAVE_COMMENTS` | Opcache Save Comments `0` or `1` | `1` | | `PHP_OPCACHE_MAX_FILE_SIZE` | Opcache maximum file size | `0` | | `PHP_OPCACHE_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL` | Opcache optimization level | `0x7FFFBFF` | | `PHP_POST_MAX_SIZE` | Maximum Input Size for POST | `2G` | | `PHP_TIMEOUT` | Maximum Script execution Time | `180` | | `PHP_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE` | Maximum Input Size for Uploads | `2G` | | `PHP_WEBROOT` | Used with `CONTAINER_MODE=php-fpm` | `/www/html` | #### Enabling / Disabling Specific Extensions Enable extensions by using the PHP extension name ie redis as `PHP_ENABLE_REDIS=TRUE`. Core extensions are enabled by default are: | Parameter | Default | | ---------------------- | ------- | | `PHP_ENABLE_APCU` | `TRUE` | | `PHP_ENABLE_BCMATH` | `TRUE` | | `PHP_ENABLE_BZ2` | `TRUE` | | `PHP_ENABLE_CTYPE` | `TRUE` | | `PHP_ENABLE_CURL` | `TRUE` | | `PHP_ENABLE_DOM` | `TRUE` | | `PHP_ENABLE_EXIF` | `TRUE` | | `PHP_ENABLE_FILEINFO` | `TRUE` | | `PHP_ENABLE_GD` | `TRUE` | | `PHP_ENABLE_ICONV` | `TRUE` | | `PHP_ENABLE_IMAP` | `TRUE` | | `PHP_ENABLE_INTL` | `TRUE` | | `PHP_ENABLE_JSON` | `TRUE` | | `PHP_ENABLE_MBSTRING` | `TRUE` | | `PHP_ENABLE_MYSQLI` | `TRUE` | | `PHP_ENABLE_MYSQLND` | `TRUE` | | `PHP_ENABLE_OPCACHE` | `TRUE` | | `PHP_ENABLE_OPENSSL` | `TRUE` | | `PHP_ENABLE_PDO` | `TRUE` | | `PHP_ENABLE_PDO_MYSQL` | `TRUE` | | `PHP_ENABLE_PGSQL` | `TRUE` | | `PHP_ENABLE_PHAR` | `TRUE` | | `PHP_ENABLE_SESSION` | `TRUE` | | `PHP_ENABLE_SIMPLEXML` | `TRUE` | | `PHP_ENABLE_TOKENIZER` | `TRUE` | | `PHP_ENABLE_XML` | `TRUE` | | `PHP_ENABLE_XMLREADER` | `TRUE` | | `PHP_ENABLE_XMLWRITER` | `TRUE` | To enable all extensions in image use `PHP_KITCHENSINK=TRUE`. Head inside the image and see what extensions are available by typing `php-ext list all` #### Debug Options To enable XDebug set `PHP_ENABLE_XDEBUG=TRUE`. Visit the [PHP XDebug Documentation](https://xdebug.org/docs/all_settings#remote_connect_back) to understand what these options mean. If you debug a PHP project in PHPStorm, you need to set server name using `PHP_IDE_CONFIG` to the same value as set in PHPStorm. Usual value is localhost, i.e. `PHP_IDE_CONFIG="serverName=localhost"`. For Xdebug 2 (php <= 7.1) you should set: | Parameter | Description | Default | | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------ | ------------------- | | `PHP_XDEBUG_PROFILER_DIR` | Where to store Profiler Logs | `/www/logs/xdebug/` | | `PHP_XDEBUG_PROFILER_ENABLE` | Enable Profiler | `0` | | `PHP_XDEBUG_PROFILER_ENABLE_TRIGGER` | Enable Profiler Trigger | `0` | | `PHP_XDEBUG_REMOTE_AUTOSTART` | Enable Autostarting as opposed to GET/POST | `1` | | `PHP_XDEBUG_REMOTE_CONNECT_BACK` | Enbable Connection Back | `0` | | `PHP_XDEBUG_REMOTE_ENABLE` | Enable Remote Debugging | `1` | | `PHP_XDEBUG_REMOTE_HANDLER` | XDebug Remote Handler | `dbgp` | | `PHP_XDEBUG_REMOTE_HOST` | Set this to your IP Address | `` | | `PHP_XDEBUG_REMOTE_PORT` | XDebug Remote Port | `9090` | * * * For Xdebug 3 (php >= 7.2) you should set: | Parameter | Description | Default | | --------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------- | | `PHP_XDEBUG_OUTPUT_DIR` | Where to store Logs | `/www/logs/xdebug/` | | `PHP_XDEBUG_MODE` | This setting controls which Xdebug features are enabled. | `develop` | | `PHP_XDEBUG_START_WITH_REQUEST` | Enable Autostarting as opposed to GET/POST | `default` | | `PHP_XDEBUG_DISCOVER_CLIENT_HOST` | Xdebug will try to connect to the client that made the HTTP request. | `1` | | `PHP_XDEBUG_CLIENT_HOST` | Set this to your IP Address | `` | | `PHP_XDEBUG_CLIENT_PORT` | XDebug Remote Port | `9003` | * * * ### Networking The following ports are exposed. | Port | Description | | ------ | ----------- | | `9000` | PHP-FPM | ## Maintenance Inside the image are tools to perform modification on how the image runs. ### Shell Access For debugging and maintenance purposes you may want access the containers shell. ```bash docker exec -it (whatever your container name is e.g. nginx-php-fpm) bash ``` ### PHP Extensions If you want to enable or disable or list what PHP extensions are available, type `php-ext help` ### Maintenance Mode If you wish to turn the web server into maintenance mode showing a single page screen outlining that the service is being worked on, you can also enter into the container and type `maintenance ARG`, where ARG is either `ON`,`OFF`, or `SLEEP (seconds)` which will temporarily place the site in maintenance mode and then restore it back to normal after time has passed. ## Contributions Welcomed. Please fork the repository and submit a [pull request](../../pulls) for any bug fixes, features or additions you propose to be included in the image. If it does not impact my intended usage case, it will be merged into the tree, tagged as a release and credit to the contributor in the [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG). ## Support These images were built to serve a specific need in a production environment and gradually have had more functionality added based on requests from the community. ### Usage - The [Discussions board](../../discussions) is a great place for working with the community on tips and tricks of using this image. - [Sponsor me](https://tiredofit.ca/sponsor) for personalized support ### Bugfixes - Please, submit a [Bug Report](issues/new) if something isn't working as expected. I'll do my best to issue a fix in short order. ### Feature Requests - Feel free to submit a feature request, however there is no guarantee that it will be added, or at what timeline. - [Sponsor me](https://tiredofit.ca/sponsor) regarding development of features. ### Updates - Best effort to track upstream changes, More priority if I am actively using the image in a production environment. - [Sponsor me](https://tiredofit.ca/sponsor) for up to date releases. ## License MIT. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for more details. ## References * http://www.php.org * https://xdebug.org