tiro-is / tiro-speech-core

This is a mirror of https://gitlab.com/tiro-is/tiro-speech-core
Apache License 2.0
15 stars 5 forks source link

Tiro Speech Core

Tiro Speech Core is a speech recognition server that implements a gRPC API. Support for REST is provided with through a gRPC REST gateway.


Tiro Speech Core uses the Bazel build system and will fetch most required dependencies over the network. It's possible to use either Intel MKL or OpenBLAS as the linear algebra library. MKL has to be downloaded from Intel and installed in /opt/intel/mkl. OpenBLAS is downloaded and compiled automatically.

Bulding and Running

The following command builds the server along with all its dependencies and run it with a pre-downloaded model (using MKL):

bazel run -c opt //:tiro_speech_server -- --kaldi-models=path/to/model/dir --listen-address=

To use OpenBLAS instead:

bazel run -c opt --@kaldi//:mathlib=openblas //:tiro_speech_server -- --kaldi-models=path/to/model/dir --listen-address=

To only build (note that opt stands for an optimized compilation mode):

bazel build -c opt //:tiro_speech_server

The output binary should now be in bazel-bin/tiro_speech_server.

Build and test with the example client:

bazel run -c opt //:tiro_speech_client -- $PWD/examples/is_is-mbl_01-2011-12-02T14:22:29.744483.wav $PWD/examples/config.pbtxt

The example client also supports streaming recognition, with a long audio file or from stdin, e.g. if sox is installed we can capture audio from the default microphone and transcribe it:

rec -q -r16k -c1 -esigned -traw - \
  | bazel-bin/tiro_speech_client --streaming - $PWD/examples/config.pbtxt 2>/dev/null

Build and run the REST gateway:

bazel run -c opt //rest-gateway/cmd:rest_gateway_server -- --endpoint=localhost:50051

The REST gateway server should now be running on port 8080.

Preparing a model for use with the server

Currently, Tiro Speech Core only supports the use of Kaldi chain models. To prepare a model for use with the server one needs to use the script tools/models/prepare_chain_dist.sh which has the usage:

Usage: tools/models/prepare_chain_dist.sh <output-dir>
  --lang-dir <str|data/lang>
  --ivector-extractor-dir <str|exp/nnet3/extractor>
  --nnet-dir <str|exp/chain/tdnn_sp_bi>
  --graph-dir <str|exp/chain/tdnn_sp_bi/graph>
  --lang-code <str|>      # BCP-47 language code for model
  --description <str|>  # short description of the model
  --mfcc-config <str|conf/mfcc_hires.conf>
  --fbank-config <str|> # Set either fbank-config or mfcc-config
  --const-arpa <str|>    # ConstArpa model for rescoring, empty string == no rescoring
  --model-name <str|>    # descriptive model name, used as a key

Do I have to run this my self??

No. The service is available at speech.tiro.is:443.

bazel run -c opt //:tiro_speech_client -- --use-ssl $PWD/examples/is_is-mbl_01-2011-12-02T14:22:29.744483.wav $PWD/examples/config.pbtxt speech.tiro.is:443

Compiling the formatting FST's

Tiro Speech Core uses OpenGram Thrax Grammer for formatting. The rules are located in src/itn/.

The abbreviate target compiles the grammar rules along with the mappings. This will result in a finite-state archive (.far) in bazel-bin/src/itn/.

bazel build -c opt :abbreviate

We need to extract the FST. Create the folders models/graph and models/norm if needed. The following command will create ABBREVIATE.fst which should be stored along with the model.

bazel run -c opt @openfst//:farextract -- --filename_prefix=$PWD/models/norm/ --filename_suffix=.fst --keys=ABBREVIATE $PWD/bazel-bin/src/itn/abbreviate.far 

Finally, add the following flags with the appropriate path into the main.conf model file:


Example usage of the REST gateway

Using curl on Linux:

cat <<EOF | curl -XPOST https://speech.tiro.is/v1alpha/speech:recognize -d@-
    "config": {
        "languageCode": "is-IS",
        "sampleRateHertz": "16000",
        "encoding": "LINEAR16",
        "maxAlternatives": 2,
        "enableWordTimeOffsets": true
    "audio": {
        "content": "$(base64 -w0 < examples/is_is-mbl_01-2011-12-02T14:22:29.744483.wav)"

Which returns the following:

  "results": [
      "alternatives": [
          "transcript": "gera lítið úr meintri spennu",
          "confidence": 0,
          "words": [
              "startTime": "1.020s",
              "endTime": "1.289s",
              "word": "gera",
              "confidence": 0
              "startTime": "1.289s",
              "endTime": "1.649s",
              "word": "lítið",
              "confidence": 0
              "startTime": "1.650s",
              "endTime": "1.799s",
              "word": "úr",
              "confidence": 0
              "startTime": "1.799s",
              "endTime": "2.129s",
              "word": "meintri",
              "confidence": 0
              "startTime": "2.130s",
              "endTime": "2.610s",
              "word": "spennu",
              "confidence": 0
          "transcript": "gerir lítið úr meintri spennu",
          "confidence": 0,
          "words": []

Example usage of the gRPC API

See examples/python/README.md for a Python example.

Docker images

To build a Docker image bundle containing two images: tiro-speech-server and tiro-speech-client:

bazel build -c opt :tiro_speech_images.tar

This can be loaded into Docker with:

docker load -i bazel-bin/tiro_speech_images.tar

and now you can run the server with Docker:

docker run -v $PATH_TO_MODEL:/model tiro-speech-server:latest --kaldi-models=/model [ARGS]


Enable the git hooks to automatically format source code:

git config core.hooksPath hooks


Tiro Speech Core is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for more details.


This project was funded by the Language Technology Programme for Icelandic 2019-2023. The programme, which is managed and coordinated by Almannarómur, is funded by the Icelandic Ministry of Education, Science and Culture.