tisboyo / Twitch_Bot

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Way to send commands without using chat #61

Closed baldengineer closed 3 years ago

baldengineer commented 3 years ago

Example would be to send commands from a web page or the bot's command line. To avoid having !commands show up in chat.

tisboyo commented 3 years ago

Checked in with Sharkbound, this is still a WIP on the framework side.

tisboyo commented 3 years ago

Just checked the framework, and while he has started on the ability to do this, it's still not there. Going to push this to Jan21 milestone.

sharkbound commented 3 years ago

in version 2.1.4 this is possible by sending the command json to the command server:

    "channel": "channel here", 
    "command": "command here",
    "args": ["arg1", "arg2", "ect"],
    "silent": true

if slient is true, then all output command output will be relayed to the bot's console instead of chat

tisboyo commented 3 years ago
    "type": "run_command",
    "channel": "channel here", 
    "command": "command here",
    "args": ["arg1", "arg2", "ect"],
    "silent": true

I was a little confused about the missing type. Documenting here for reference.