tisboyo / Twitch_Bot

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!announce - Announcements

Permission: Admin (for all sub commands)

Base command, doesn't do anything directly

nosleep - Disables automatic sleep

start - Re-enables announcements after being disabled

This is saved in the database and will survive restarts.

stop - Disables announcements completely

This is saved in the database and will survive restarts.

time - Sets the frequency of Announcements

Send the time in seconds as a parameter for frequency of announcements.

list - Lists all of the commands to the console

del - Deletes an announcement by ID.

Send the ID as a parameter. If message is the last in the active category, resets active category to Default

add - Adds a new announcement to Default category

Send the Announcement you want to add as the parameter

enable - Enables an announcement by ID

Send the ID to be enabled as the parameter

disable - Disables an announcement by ID

Send the ID to be disable as the parameter

status - Displays status in chat

category - Base command

Doesn't do anything directly

add - Add a new category

Send name of new category as paremeter

del - Deletes a category by ID

Send ID as parameter to delete category. Must not have any announcements assigned Can not delete Default

list - Lists the available categories to the console

assign - Assign an announcement to a category

Send {AnnouncementID:int} {CategoryID:int} as parameters

activate - Sets a category as active

Sets the {CategoryID:int} as the active category.

!channelpoint_cooldown - Base command

Permission: Admin For setting channelpoint cooldowns

attention - Sets Attention cooldown

Permission: Admin Send new cooldown in seconds as parameter

treat - Sets Treat cooldown

Permission: Admin Send new cooldown in seconds as parameter

!allowlinks - Allows links from a user to be sent to discord

Permission: Admin Send username to allow links from as the parameter

!disable_attn - Disable Attention

Permission: Admin Disables sending the MQTT publish to twitch-attn-indi

!ignorelinks - Ignore links from a user to be sent to discord

Permission: Admin Send username to ignore links from as the parameter

!treatme - Sends a Treat

Permission: Everyone / Admin Sends a MQTT publish of 1 to dispense-treat-toggle if an Admin user and emoji requirements have been met. Sends a message to the channel reminding users to use the balden3TreatMe emoji

enable - Enables the treatbot

Permission: Admin Note: Does not survive bot restart.

disable - Disables the treatbot

Permission: Admin Note: Does not survive bot restart.

!treatmenow - Force sends a treat

Permission: Admin Immediately sends a treat, for testing purposes

!topic - Chat Topic (Alias: !project)

Permission: Everyone Posts to chat the currently set topic

set - Sets a topic

Permission: Admin

goal - Sets the goal for the topic

Permission: Admin

step - Sets the current step for the topic (Alias: !step)

Permission: Admin

link - Sets the link for the topic

Permission: Admin

wig - Base command

poll - Start a wig poll

Permission: Admin

time - Set duration of wig poll

Permission: Admin Send time in seconds as parameter

add - Add a new wig

Permission: Admin Send wig name as parameter

del - Delete a wig by ID

Permission: Admin Send wig ID as parameter

list - Lists current wigs

Permission: Admin

disable - Disable a wig

Permission: Admin Send wig ID as parameter

enable - Enable a wig

Permission: Admin Send wig ID as parameter

used - Mark a wig as used for the current stream.

Permission: Admin Send wig Name as parameter

reset - Resets all of the wigs currently marked as used.

Permission: Admin No parameters

stream - Stream controls

Permission: Admin Base Command

live - Sets the bot to Live status

Permission: Admin Send "true" or "false" as parameter

This is intended for use by automated scripting, and should only be used to fix an invalid state.

status - Shows the stream status

Permission: Admin

lab - Sets the location to In the Lab

Permission: Admin

office - Sets the location to In the Office

Permission: Admin

mqtttest - Tests the connection to MQTT

Permission: Admin

Sends the arguments as the value to stream/mqtttest topic.

ignore - Ignore users based on a pattern

add - Adds a user to the ignore list

Permission: Admin

Parameters: Regex pattern for desired username to be ignored.

del - Removes a pattern from the ignore list

Permission: Admin

Paramaters: ID of pattern to remove.

enable - Enable pattern by ID

Permission: Admin

disable - Disable pattern by ID

Permission: Admin

clear_poll - Clears the setup data in MQTT for the poll display.

Permission: Admin

so - Shoutouts

Permission: Admin, Groups with the "so" permission. Paramaters: Username to shoutout to Responds with the shoutout message for the username specified, or with the last raided user.

msg - Set the shoutout message

Permission: Admin Parameters: Message Adding {channel} to the message will be replaced by the username being highlighted.

trivia - Trivia base command

Permission: Admin

winner - Announce the winner of the most recent trivia

Permission: Admin

vipupdate - Forces the bot to sync with Twitch's VIP list

Permission: Admin

todo - The bot will send the entire contents of the message to a pre-defined discord channel

Permission: todo (Intended for VIP's to use)



POST - Send a command to the bot


Example with curl:

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "access_token: testKey" --request POST --data '{"command":"!topic", "args":["set", "New", "topic"], "silent":false}' http://localhost:5000/send_command


GET - Show chat topic

Returns the current Bot topic as a json object of {"topic":"Topic text"}

POST - Set chat topic


Example with curl:

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "access_token: testKey" --request POST --data '{"topic":"Test topic sent from a json post"}' http://{WEB_HOSTNAME}/topic


GET - Show table of ignored users


All Stream related MQTT topics are prefixed with stream/

This is a test, this is only a test.