titanbt / contextualGRU-attention-lexicon

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Sentence modeling with Deep Neural Architecture using Lexicon and Attention Mechanism for Sentiment Analysis

STS Corpus

  1. Bi-CGRNN + CharAVs + LexW2Vs + GoogleW2Vs

    #sh run_attention_lex_contextualGRU_s140_sr_w2v.sh  

    - Trained model: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5dxQhIZFZ-1VlhnVGE1by1STGs/view?usp=sharing

  2. Bi-CGRNN + CharAVs + LexW2Vs + GloveW2Vs

    #sh run_attention_lex_contextualGRU_s140_sr_glove.sh

  3. Bi-CGRNN + GoogleW2Vs

    #sh run_contextualGRU_s140_sr_w2v.sh

  4. Bi-GRNN + CharAVs + GoogleW2Vs

    #sh run_attention_GRU_s140_sr_w2v.sh

  5. Bi-GRNN + LexW2Vs + GoogleW2Vs

    #sh run_lexicon_GRU_s140_sr_w2v.sh

HCR Corpus

  1. Bi-CGRNN + CharAVs + LexW2Vs + GoogleW2Vs

    #sh run_attention_lex_contextualGRU_hcr_sr_w2v.sh

  2. Bi-CGRNN + CharAVs + LexW2Vs + GloveW2Vs

    #sh run_attention_lex_contextualGRU_hcr_sr_glove.sh

  3. Bi-CGRNN + GoogleW2Vs

    #sh run_contextualGRU_hcr_sr_w2v.sh

  4. Bi-GRNN + CharAVs + GoogleW2Vs

    #sh run_attention_GRU_hcr_sr_w2v.sh

  5. Bi-GRNN + LexW2Vs + GoogleW2Vs

    #sh run_lexicon_GRU_hcr_sr_w2v.sh