titobrasolin / Drupal7.Services

.NET API to integrate with Drupal 7 via Services 3 module.
MIT License
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.NET API to integrate with Drupal 7 via XML-RPC and Services 3 module.

The DrupalServices class “wraps” around a proxy generated by Charles Cook's excellent XML-RPC.NET library and provides a number of convenience methods to consume Drupal services both synchronously and asynchronously.

It is splitted into partial classes to facilitate ease of reading and maintenance.


Drupal7.Services (prerelease) is available in NuGet.

User Manual

Click here to go to the Wiki. It is far from complete, but it's a start. Updates happen every now and then but the goal is to have a complete documentation.

Usage is simple: create a new instance of DrupalServices passing the url of your service endpoint to the constructor:

    using Drupal7.Services;

    string url = "http://www.example.net/services/xmlrpc";
    var drupal = new DrupalServices (url);

Then call NodeIndex to retrieve an array of Drupal nodes:

    int page = 0;
    string fields = "*";
    int size = 20;
    var items = drupal.NodeIndex (page, fields, size);