tiwariPC / hhbbgg_AwkwardAnalyzer

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hhbbgg AwkwardAnalyzer

Repository to keep the analyzers using awkward arrays, using skimmer or nanoAOD as input.


Following packages are needed for the analyzer to work


A virtual environment can be created for this using the following command

conda env create -f requirement.yaml

if available, do it with mamba, it's much faster

mamba env create -f requirement.yaml

To use the framework, the environment created by conda has to be activated every time. It can be done as follows:

conda activate hhbbgg-awk

For now the analyzer can be run normally using python

python hhbbgg_Analyzer.py -i <Input root file directory OR single root file>

provided that the input directory having one root file for each background is defined with the variable name inputfilesDir in hhbbgg_Analyzer.py. This saves a root file in outputfiles which contains sample names as directory and all the histograms are saved inside those directories.

To plot the histograms hhbbgg_Plotter.py can be used as:

python hhbbgg_Plotter.py

The plots will be saved in stack_plots directory

To add the variable, changes are to be done in hhbbgg_Analyzer.py, binning.py and variables.py file

To plot the histogram of the variable, it has to be added in histogram_names list and xtitle_dict dictionary in hhbbgg_Plotter.py file