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Go tooling UX wrapper (package management, profiling, etc) #12

Open tj opened 4 years ago

tj commented 4 years ago

I wrote this really half-assed thing a while back, but it could be interactive and generally much nicer. Maybe someone else has written one I'm not sure.

It'd also be nice to kind of "favorite" packages, when you evaluate a package and then later need the same thing I often forget which package I evaluated to be the best choice for a particular task. GH stars are ok for this but not great.

kc-dot-io commented 4 years ago

Something like component for go? I really like this one too.

tj commented 4 years ago

Changed my mind about this, I think maybe a wrapper to the Go tooling in general might be nicer than just search.

The Go team doesn't seem too fond of making the UX nicer, stuff like go mod why is awkward, there's no way to list the versions of a package, search for packages, etc, so maybe a CLI which brings it more inline with npm, cargo and friends would be nice.