tj / sponsors

Open-source project suggestions powered by my GitHub sponsors
56 stars 5 forks source link

My GitHub sponsors can suggest and vote for their favorite project ideas to help prioritize them.


These can be anything, a package that you need for project, a desktop or web application you'd love to have, a framework that would help make something easier for your team, a blog article to learn more about a subject I'm familiar with, just let me know! The more sponsors I have, the more time I can dedicate to new and existing projects.


Leave a :thumbsup: to vote. Resulting priorities will be filtered by sponsors, if you'd like to see work done on any of these projects, or my existing software, consider sponsoring me.


Go packages funded by my sponsors:

Name Description
go-config Very minimalist Go configuration loading package
go-css CSS utilities such as hex color parsing
go-editor Utility package for reading from $EDITOR
go-naturaldate Natural language date/time parser
go-news DynamoDB-backed mailing list package for Go
go-spa Single Page Application server for Go
go-tea Interactive terminal framework inspired by The Elm Architecture
go-termd Terminal markdown rendering with code block syntax highlighting support
go-terminput Terminal keyboard input package without an opinionated framework

Programs funded by my sponsors:

Name Description
letterbox Batch-process letter-boxing of photographs
news-api API server for managing mailing lists and subscriptions
rpc Schema-based RPC API client & server generation
staticgen Static website generator allowing you to use any HTTP server or framework
sponsors-api GitHub Sponsor avatar listings in your
spa Single Page Application server
triage Interactive command-line GitHub issue & notification triaging tool

Services funded by my sponsors:

Name Description
gobinaries On-demand Go binaries for command-line tools