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Insomnia tracker and management CLI #3

Closed tj closed 4 years ago

tj commented 4 years ago

I've had insomnia for years, and haven't found any good trackers which do what I like really, so I would love to have a simple CLI to keep a sleep journal, and calculate sleep restriction, report on results etc.

nikitavoloboev commented 4 years ago

calculate sleep restriction

Why don't you sleep for as much as your body needs? Why we sleep is a great book on sleep.

Just curious as there is no time pressure to wake up at a certain time so it's best to get as much sleep as possible (wake up with no alarm) even if there is trouble getting to sleep (insomnia).

tj commented 4 years ago

I have "sleep maintenance" issues, so I wake up in the middle of the night really alert, but this sleep restriction stuff is supposed to help train your body/brain to stay asleep without fragmentation 😄. I'm still trying it but apparently it's one of the most effective things!

stuartpb commented 4 years ago

I've had good luck with my Pebble watch's sleep tracking - what fitness trackers / smart watches have you tried?

tj commented 4 years ago

I think you're right, plenty of devices/apps that are good enough, none seem quite tailored to sleep restriction as a therapy but they're good enough :D