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Mac OS provisioning for new employees and personal use #4

Open tj opened 4 years ago

tj commented 4 years ago

As far as I know there aren't really any great tools for provisioning new employee machines, aside from Ansible, and perhaps Terraform but it's not purpose-built for this. I'd basically like a "Terraform for work machines".

caarlos0 commented 4 years ago

FWIW tried the ansible thing... pretty hard to maintain

right now I'm using dotfiles + a brewfile (

tj commented 4 years ago

@caarlos0 hahah nice yeahhh we ended up just using shell scripts at Segment, I remember trying Ansible as well but it didn't feel any more robust

kc-dot-io commented 4 years ago

This is a good one. We've been prototyping something like this using an Op but it could be improved a lot.

gittaca commented 2 years ago

ChezMoi could also be used for that, if the employer provides a shared dotfiles repo which new employees clone & fork.