tjakubo / Decker

Create decks and cards from scripts in Tabletop Simulator
MIT License
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Decker for Tabletop Simulator

Tool for defining and spawning custom cards and decks purely from scripting. Create decks or single cards for your mod from code, maintain or update them by simply changing a few lines instead of manually creating/moving/splitting decks. Change any card/deck images in the script instead of re-importing all of it again.


Example code

-- Use and IDE plugin supporting require or paste decker.ttslua code there
local Decker = require('Decker.Decker')

-- open in browser to see what these links depict
local cardFaces = ''
local cardBack = ''

-- define a new asset from face/back links, add width/height (since these default to 1x1)
local cardAsset = Decker.Asset(cardFaces, cardBack, {width = 2, height = 2})

-- define cards on the asset, skipping three because we can (would be row 2, column 1)
local cardOne = Decker.Card(cardAsset, 1, 1) -- (asset, row, column)
local cardTwo = Decker.Card(cardAsset, 1, 2)
local cardFour = Decker.Card(cardAsset, 2, 2)

-- define a deck of cardFour, two cardOne's and two cardTwo's
local myDeck = Decker.Deck({cardFour, cardOne, cardOne, cardTwo, cardTwo})

-- so far, all of the above are just scripting definitions, nothing is spawned
-- e.g. if I decided game is balanced better with just one cardTwo in the deck, I can just remove it
--  from above code and leave rest of the code unchanged (still using myDeck below)
-- same goes for changing art on cards (just replace links from Decker.Asset definitions)

-- let's do some testing when any chat message is sent
function onChat()
    -- spawn two of our decks (e.g. for each player), one flipped
    myDeck:spawn({position = {-4, 3, 0}})
    myDeck:spawn({position = {4, 3, 0}, rotation = {0, 0, 180}})

    -- spawn a single card
    cardFour:spawn({position = {0, 3, 6}})

    -- see below for a bit more functionality Decker offers

function advancedExample()
    -- all :spawn methods return a regular object - proceed like with anything
    local someDeck = myDeck:spawn({position = {0, 3, -6}})
    someDeck.highlightOn({0, 0, 1}, 10)
    someDeck.setName('this is some deck')
    -- for convenience, stuff like name/description/xmlui can be assigned to stuff before spawning
    --  to avoid calls like setName above - see spawnParams in full reference section of docs

    -- we can use DeckerDeck methods to modify it
    -- let's remove both cardOne's from it (index 2 and 3)
    myDeck:removeMany(2, 3)
    -- now let's swap first and last card so it's {cardTwo, cardTwo, cardFour} and spawn it
    -- negative index (anywhere in methods) means counting from the end down
    myDeck:swap(1, -1):spawn({position = {0, 3, 0}})

    -- we can swap assets on decks after creation
    -- this new asset switches card fromnts and backs
    local weirdAsset = Decker.Asset(cardBack, cardFaces, {width = 2, height = 2})
    -- to leave myDeck as-is, we'll be working on a copy
    -- you can have many replacements at once, [oldAsset] = newAsset
    myDeck:copy():switchAssets({ [cardAsset] = weirdAsset }):spawn({position = {12, 3, 0}})

function onLoad()
    broadcastToAll('Post any chat message to execute example code', {1, 1, 1})

Full reference

Note: if an arg name has (something) next to it, it is the default value if not provided. Decker does not do extensive assertions on passed arguments and will probably cause weird runtime errors when misused.

Library functions

Object methods

Indexing and order

When creating decks using Decker.Deck, cards go in order of top-to-bottom when looking on a face-down deck (placed so a card back is visible on top of it). In Decker.Deck({card1, card2, card3}), card1 will be one with exposed back and card3 will be one with exposed face.

Stuff called "index" in Decker functions means a positive number counting from top of the deck (back-visible card is index 1), negative numbers means counting from the other end (front-visible card is index -1).

Common Params Table

Both Decker.Deck and Decker.Card take a commonParams table as last parameter. It can be used to set some common object properties like name, description, lock status etc so you don't have to do it every time you spawn the thing.

Setting any key outside of the range listed below (plus sideways for Decker.Card) will set key/value directly on the resulting object JSON. You can use this to set JSON fields not handled by Decker directly per table below.

commonParams table can consists of keys: