tjanczuk / iisnode

Hosting node.js applications in IIS on Windows
1.85k stars 588 forks source link

NOTE: Official branch is azure/iisnode

TL;DR; I no longer maintain or monitor this repository. Please go to azure/iisnode for the latest version of the stack and/or to file any issues.

I developed the iisnode technology to enable hosting Node.js applications in IIS, specifically in the Azure Websites, back when I was working at Microsoft. When I left the company in 2013, Microsoft decided to retain ownership of the stack. While I cannot speak to the current state of affairs or plans going forward, as of this writing, iisnode appears to still power execution of Node.js apps in Azure, and the azure/iisnode fork is where the action happens. Happy Noding!

-- @tjanczuk, 9/21/2018

Hosting node.js applications in IIS on Windows


Why would I want to do it?


Who uses iisnode?

Prerequisites for using

Installing for IIS 7.x/8.x

Installing for IIS Express/WebMatrix

Installing for IIS Express 8 on Windows x64 This can be a head-scratcher since IIS Express 8 gives you both 32-bit and 64-bit versions ( You can either:


Prerequisites for building


Build commands should be issued from the build environment set up with "%programfiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat", assuming default installation location of Visual Studio 2012 on x64 platform.

For x86 build:

msbuild /p:Platform=Win32 src\iisnode\iisnode.sln

For x64 build:

msbuild /p:Platform=x64 src\iisnode\iisnode.sln

Installing after build

Running tests

Resources & documentation