tjdevWorks / TEASEL

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TEASEL: A Transformer-based Speech-Prefixed Language Model

This is an implemention of TEASEL: A Transformer-based Speech-Prefixed Language Model. We have listed below the steps to reproduce the experiments. Our model files are downloadable here and the results closely match those published in the paper. We are not the original authors, but are open to discuss any issue with code or paper's understanding. This repo is developed and maintained by Atharva Moroney and myself.


Please check that you have all the requirements in sync with the requirements.txt file, alteranatively you could execute the command below:

pip install -r requirements.txt

We have not tested the code to work on other versions, especially for the transformers and pytorch libraries.


For the pretraining phase, please download librispeech dataset train-clean-100, dev-clean and test-clean files, alter the filepath column in data/librispeech_{train/test/dev}_df.csv to point to the place where you have stored the data. Then execute the following command to start the pretraining process:

python --config config.yaml


For the finetuning phase, please download CMU MOSI raw dataset, alter the filepath column in data/mosi_{train/test/dev}_df.csv to point to the place where you have stored the data. Then execute the following command to start the finetuning process:

python --config config_mosi.yaml


Due to some discrepancies and unknowns in the paper our results don't exactly match as reported in the paper but are nevertheless very close to them.

Metric BA F1 MAE Corr
TEASEL (Original) 89.3 89.31 0.644 0.84
Ours 87.5 85.0 0.647 0.836


@misc{arjmand2021teasel, title={TEASEL: A Transformer-Based Speech-Prefixed Language Model}, author={Mehdi Arjmand and Mohammad Javad Dousti and Hadi Moradi}, year={2021}, eprint={2109.05522}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CL} }