tjorim / devices

Collection of devices
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Device collection

This is experimental and may change at any time.

This collection is automatically published at

Each device is stored in: database/<company>/devices/<device model>/.

Adding new devices via CLI

python3 -m devfest process base --company-name "Nabu Casa" --model-id "hagreen" --model-name "Home Assistant Green"

Adding new devices from Home Assistant

Paste the below template to the template developer tool to generate data from your Home Assistant instance.

To get the data into the repo, paste the output in a GitHub issue or share the file with me on Discord (@balloob).

You can also process it yourself and open a PR. To do that, put the output in a CSV file in the to_process folder (for example to_process/my_devices.csv) and run the python3 -m devfest process home-assistant script.

{% set ns = namespace(
  via_devices=[(None, None)]
) %}
{% for state in states -%}
{% set dev_id = device_id(state.entity_id) -%}
{% if dev_id -%}
{% set via_device = device_attr(dev_id, 'via_device_id') -%}
{% if via_device and device_attr(via_device, 'primary_config_entry') -%}
{% set ns.via_devices = ns.via_devices + [(via_device, {
  "sw_version": device_attr(via_device, 'sw_version'),
  "hw_version": device_attr(via_device, 'hw_version'),
  "integration": device_attr(via_device, 'primary_config_entry') | config_entry_attr('domain'),
  "model_id": device_attr(via_device, 'model_id'),
  "manufacturer": device_attr(via_device, 'manufacturer'),
})] -%}
{% endif -%}
{% endif -%}
{% endfor -%}
{% set ns.via_devices = dict.from_keys(ns.via_devices) %}

{% for state in states -%}
{% set dev_id = device_id(state.entity_id) -%}
{% if dev_id not in ns.devices -%}
{% set ns.devices = ns.devices + [dev_id] -%}
{% set integration = device_attr(dev_id, 'primary_config_entry') and config_entry_attr(device_attr(dev_id, 'primary_config_entry'), 'domain') -%}
{% if integration and integration not in ns.ignore_integration and
   device_attr(dev_id, 'manufacturer') and
   device_attr(dev_id, 'model_id') and
   device_attr(dev_id, 'entry_type') not in ns.ignore_entry_type -%}
{{- integration }},
{#-#}"{{ device_attr(dev_id, 'manufacturer') }}",
{#-#}"{{ device_attr(dev_id, 'model_id') }}",
{#-#}"{{ device_attr(dev_id, 'model') }}",
{#-#}"{{ device_attr(dev_id, 'sw_version') }}",
{#-#}"{{ device_attr(dev_id, 'hw_version') }}",
{#-#}"{{- ns.via_devices[device_attr(dev_id, 'via_device_id')] | to_json | base64_encode }}",
{{- device_attr(dev_id, 'suggested_area') != None }},
{{- device_attr(dev_id, 'configuration_url') != None }},
{{- device_attr(dev_id, 'entry_type') }},
{{- dev_id in ns.via_devices }}
{% endif -%}
{% endif -%}
{% endfor %}