tkella47 / t5chem

Transformer-based model for chemical reactions
MIT License
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.. image:: :target: :alt: Latest PyPI version

A Unified Deep Learning Model for Multi-task Reaction Predictions.

It is built on huggingface transformers_ -- T5 model with some modifications.

.. image:: cover.png

.. _huggingface transformers:


We have a docker image available here <>__, feel free to try it out!


T5Chem can be either installed via pip or from source. We recommend to install t5chem from source.

  1. To install from source (with latest version):

    .. code:: bash

    $ git clone $ cd t5chem/ $ python install $ python test # optional, only works when you have pytest installed

It should automatically handle dependencies for you.

  1. To install via pip

    .. code:: bash

    $ pip install t5chem


Call from command line:

.. code:: bash

$ t5chem -h # show the general help information $ t5chem train -h # show help information for model training $ t5chem predict -h # show help information for model prediction

We have some sample data (a small subset from datasets used in paper) available in data/ folder, to have a quick start:

.. code:: bash

$ tar -xjvf data/sample_data.tar.bz2 $ t5chem train --data_dir data/sample/product/ --output_dir model/ --task_type product --num_epoch 30 # Train a model $ t5chem predict --data_dir data/sample/product/ --model_dir model/ # test a trained model

These commands trained a T5Chem model from scratch and take ~13 mins in v100 GPU. It is recommended to use a prerained model rather than totally trained from scratch, you can download some trained models and more datasets here <>. Note that we may get a bad result (0.1% top-1 accuracy) as we are only trained on a small dataset and totally from scratch. (You will get ~70% top-1 accuracy if training from a pretrained model by using --pretrain.) A more detailed example training from pretrained weights and explanations for commonly used arguments can be find here <>.

Call as an API (Test a trained model):

.. code:: python

from transformers import T5ForConditionalGeneration from t5chem import T5ForProperty, SimpleTokenizer pretrain_path = "path/to/your/pretrained/model/" model = T5ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(pretrain_path) # for seq2seq tasks tokenizer = SimpleTokenizer(vocab_file=os.path.join(pretrain_path, '')) inputs = tokenizer.encode("Product:COC(=O)c1cc(COc2ccc(-c3ccccc3OC)cc2)c(C)o1.C1CCOC1>>", return_tensors='pt') output = model.generate(input_ids=inputs, max_length=300, early_stopping=True) tokenizer.decode(output[0], skip_special_tokens=True) # "COc1ccccc1-c1ccc(OCc2cc(C(=O)O)oc2C)cc1"

model = T5ForProperty.from_pretrained(pretrain_path) # for non-seq2seq task inputs = tokenizer.encode("Classification:COC(=O)c1cccc(C(=O)OC)c1>CN(C)N.Cl.O>COC(=O)c1cccc(C(=O)O)c1", return_tensors='pt') outputs = model(inputs) print(outputs.logits.argmax()) # Class 3

We have Google Colab examples available! Feel free to try it out:



MIT Licence.


t5chem was written by Jocelyn Lu <>_.


Jieyu Lu and Yingkai Zhang., Unified Deep Learning Model for Multitask Reaction Predictions with Explanation. J. Chem. Inf. Model., 62. 1376–1387 (2022)

.. code:: bash

  title={Unified Deep Learning Model for Multitask Reaction Predictions with Explanation},
  author={Lu, Jieyu and Zhang, Yingkai},
  journal={Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling},
  publisher={ACS Publications}

Other projects in Zhang's Lab: