tkem / mopidy-mobile

Mopidy Web client extension and hybrid app for mobile devices
Apache License 2.0
79 stars 13 forks source link

Mopidy Mobile

Mopidy Mobile is a simple, easy to use remote that lets you fully control a Mopidy music server from your mobile device. It is available as a Web client extension <> and a hybrid app <> for Android version 5.1 and later. Users of older Android versions may still access the Web extension using Google's Chrome browser <>. On Apple devices, the Web client should work when running iOS 7 or later.

In a nutshell, Mopidy Mobile lets you

Additionally, the Android app allows you to


The Web extension can be installed from PyPi_ by running::

pip install Mopidy-Mobile

The Android app is available from the Google Play <>_ store. You may also join the Beta testing program <>_ to preview unreleased versions.

Note that the Web client is designed to be added to your home screen, so it is launched in full-screen "app mode". If you don't know how to add a Web application to your home screen, there are plenty of instructions available online for both Android <> and iOS <>.


The following configuration values are available for the Web extension:

Building from Source

Mopidy Mobile is built using Ionic v1 <>, AngularJS <> and Apache Cordova <>_, so it is recommended to familiarize yourself with these before you start.

To build the Mopidy Web extension, you need to have npm <> and gulp <> installed. Then run::

npm install gulp install gulp dist pip install --editable .

To build the app for Android, please follow Ionic's installation guide <>_ to make sure you have everything needed for Android development. Then, in addition to the commands above, run::

ionic cordova platform add android ionic cordova build android

Please refer to the Ionic CLI <>_ documentation for further information on how to run the app on an actual device, or in a Web browser or emulator for testing.

Due to lack of resources, iOS is not supported, and it is unlikely that the app will run unchanged on that platform. However, being a hybrid app, it shouldn't take too much effort to make it work, so please feel free to fork and give it a try!

Contributing Translations

If you'd like to see Mopidy Mobile in your native language, start by having a look at the existing translations <./www/app/locale>. Mopidy Mobile uses angular-translate <> for internationalization, and stores translations as simple text files. Just take one of the existing files and replace all foreign language text as you see fit. Words within curly brackets {...} are placeholders, used either for variable names ({name}) which needn't be translated, or for pluralization ({count, plural, one{1 Sekunde} other{# Sekunden}}) so you can provide different texts for zero (=0), one, or multiple (other, with # being replaced by the actual number) seconds or tracks. When you're done, please open a new issue - or even a full-fledged pull request, if you like - for submitting your translations.

Project Resources

.. image:: :target: :alt: Latest PyPI version

.. image:: :target: :alt: Travis CI build status


Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Thomas Kemmer.

Translations: slimer <> (Español, Català), Andrzej Raczkowski <> (Polski), Peter Kuderjavy <> (Slovak), Gilbert Brault <> (Français), wimpie <> (Nederlands), Tom Aurlund <> (Norsk Bokmål).

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0_.

.. _Mopidy:

.. _PyPI: .. _Issue Tracker: .. _Source Code: .. _Change Log:

.. _Apache License, Version 2.0: