tkrajina / golongfuncs

Find long/complex Golang functions in your code
Apache License 2.0
29 stars 3 forks source link
command-line go golang static-analysis

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golongfuncs is a tool for searching "long" functions by various measures (and combinations of measures).

This tool can help you to answer questions line:

In other words, it will help you filter long and complex functions from those that are just long.


go install


This tool can calculate the following function "length" and "complexity" measures:

In addition to those, you can combine measures. For example:

To calculate any of those measure for your Golang code:

$ golongfuncs +variable
$ golongfuncs +total_nesting
$ golongfuncs +lines
$ golongfuncs +lines,complexity
$ golongfuncs +lines,complexity,complexity/lines

Calling just golongfuncs (without arguments) is an alias for golongfuncs +lines.

Usage examples

$ golongfuncs [flags] +[types] [paths...]

Find longest functions:

$ golongfuncs <go_file>
$ golongfuncs <directory>
$ golongfuncs <directory>/...

If path is not specified, golongfuncs assumes it is ./....

Show multiple measures:

$ golongfuncs +lines
$ golongfuncs +lines,in_params
$ golongfuncs +lines,in_params,complexity/lines
$ golongfuncs +lines +in_params +complexity/lines

If multiple measures are specified, the results are sorted by the first column (in this example lines):

By default the result shows only the top 20 results. Change that with -top:

$ golongfuncs -top 50

By default, functions shorter than 10 lines are ignored. You can change that with -min-lines <n>.

The 100 most complex functions:

$ golongfuncs -top 100 +complexity ./...

The most complex functions longer than 50 lines:

$ golongfuncs -min-lines 50 +complexity ./...

Find long functions, but calculate also their complexity, avg complexity and avg nesting:

$ golongfuncs +lines,complexity,complexity/lines,total_nesting/total_lines .
      ExampleVeryLongfunction golongfuncs/runner_test.go:118:1       lines=305.0    complexity=1.0    complexity/lines=0.1    total_nesting/total_lines=1.0
   ExampleVeryComplexFunction golongfuncs/runner_test.go:10:1         lines=69.0   complexity=44.0    complexity/lines=0.6    total_nesting/total_lines=6.7
                   printStats main.go:54:1                            lines=21.0    complexity=9.0    complexity/lines=0.4    total_nesting/total_lines=2.5
                         main main.go:12:1                            lines=19.0    complexity=3.0    complexity/lines=0.2    total_nesting/total_lines=1.0
                    TestLines golongfuncs/runner_test.go:476:1        lines=15.0    complexity=2.0    complexity/lines=0.1    total_nesting/total_lines=0.9
                   NewVisitor golongfuncs/runner.go:94:1              lines=15.0    complexity=3.0    complexity/lines=0.2    total_nesting/total_lines=1.0
                          Get golongfuncs/models.go:34:1              lines=15.0    complexity=7.0    complexity/lines=0.5    total_nesting/total_lines=1.7
                  TestNesting golongfuncs/runner_test.go:438:1        lines=15.0    complexity=2.0    complexity/lines=0.1    total_nesting/total_lines=0.9

You can see that ExampleVeryLongfunction is long (305 lines), but average complexity is low (0.1) and avg nesting is 1.0. Avg nesting 1.0 means that there are no nested blocks in this function. If half the lines were in a nested block (for example a big if &lt;expr&gt; { ...code... } block of code) the avg nesting would be 1.5.

The ExampleVeryComplexFunction is shorter (69 lines) but with an average complexity (per line of code) of 0.6 and avg nesting 6.7 and that is probably a good hint that the function needs refactoring.

Find functions longer than 5 lines with avg nesting (per line of code) bigger than 5 and include total lines count and lines count:

$ golongfuncs +total_nesting/total_lines,total_lines,lines -threshold 5 .
        ExampleVeryComplexFunction golongfuncs/runner_test.go:10:1             total_nesting/total_lines=6.7  total_lines=108.0   lines=69.0

Find functions with longest average line length:

$ golongfuncs +len/lines ./...
$ golongfuncs +total_len/total_lines ./...

Tests and vendored files are ignored, use -include-tests and -include-vendor if you want to measure them.

Arbitrary files/directories can be ignored with -ignore "<regexp>". For example, if you want to ignore Golang files containing _generated.go: -ignore "^.*_generated.go$".

Functions can be ignored with -ignore-func "regexp".


This tool is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0