External-Memory Sorting in Java: useful to sort very large files using multiple cores and an external-memory algorithm.
The versions 0.1 of the library are compatible with Java 6 and above. Versions 0.2 and above require at least Java 8.
This code is used in Apache Jackrabbit Oak as well as in Apache Beam.
import com.google.code.externalsorting.ExternalSort;
//... inputfile: input file name
//... outputfile: output file name
// next command sorts the lines from inputfile to outputfile
ExternalSort.mergeSortedFiles(ExternalSort.sortInBatch(new File(inputfile)), new File(outputfile));
// you can also provide a custom string comparator, see API
For sorting CSV files, it might be more convenient to use CsvExternalSort
import com.google.code.externalsorting.CsvExternalSort;
import com.google.code.externalsorting.CsvSortOptions;
// provide a comparator
Comparator<CSVRecord> comparator = (op1, op2) -> op1.get(0).compareTo(op2.get(0));
//... inputfile: input file name
//... outputfile: output file name
//...provide sort options
CsvSortOptions sortOptions = new CsvSortOptions
.Builder(CsvExternalSort.DEFAULTMAXTEMPFILES, comparator, 1, CsvExternalSort.estimateAvailableMemory())
// next two lines sort the lines from inputfile to outputfile
List<File> sortInBatch = CsvExternalSort.sortInBatch(file, null, sortOptions);;
CsvExternalSort.mergeSortedFiles(sortInBatch, outputfile, sortOptions, true);
You can download the jar files from the Maven central repository: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/google/code/externalsortinginjava/externalsortinginjava/
You can also specify the dependency in the Maven "pom.xml" file: