tkuo-tkuo / DeepMutationOperators

Developed with the UROP, Detecting Deep Learning Software Defects (Spring 2019), HKUST
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deep-learning mutation-operators mutation-testing

DeepMutation Operators

Disclaimer - this repo. is no longer maintained and updated (May 2019), which was developed with the UROP, Detecting Deep Learning Software Defects (Spring 2019), HKUST.

Disclaimer - This repo. provides the tool (interface) for conducting mutation testing on machine learning. Experiments related to UROP/ML mutation-testing are not stored here. Feel free to design your own experiments and hope this repo. helps!

This repository aims to implement mutation operators for Deep Learning Mutation Testing.

The objective is to provide a tool for mutation testing on Deep Learning system. In this repository, 8 source-level mutation operators and 8 model level mutation operators will be implemented.

The concept of these mutation operators is introduced in the paper, DeepMutation: Mutation Testing of Deep Learning Systems , where the link is attached in references. However, the coding implementation of each mutation operator is not explicitly explained. In this repository, we clarify the vague part and document how each mutation operator is actually implemented, aiming to present a convenient tool for mutation testing on Deep Learning system.

Model-level mutation operators

Model-level mutation operators directly mutate the structure and weights of DNN without training procedure, which is more efficient for mutated model generation. Model-level mutation operators automatically analysis structure of given DNN, mutate on a copy of the original DNN, and return the mutated copy of the original DNN.

Source-level mutation operators

Source-level mutation operators mutate either the original training dataset or the original training program. A training dataset mutant or training program mutant can further participate in the training process to generate a mutated model for mutation testing.

For each of the mutation operators, there are several user-configurable parameters can be specified. See the description of individual operators Implementation for more details.

Assumption & Suggestion of Usage



Purpose & Content of each file

Files below are ordered in alphabetical order.


Python: 3.5.1
Tensorflow: 1.11.0
Keras: 2.2.4
NumPy: 1.15.1

(Unofficial) References

Lei Ma, Fuyuan Zhang, Jiyuan Sun, Minhui Xue, Bo Li, Felix Juefei-Xu, Chao Xie, Li Li, Yang Liu, Jianjun Zhao, et al.
DeepMutation: Mutation testing of Deep Learning Systems.

Jingyi Wang, Guoliang Dongy, Jun Sun, Xinyu Wangy, Peixin Zhangy
Adversarial Sample Detection for Deep Neural Network through Model Mutation Testing