tlab-wide / AutowareV2X

AutowareV2X is an open-source module that can be added onto the newest Autoware.universe to enable V2X communication.
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Add correct velocity value to StationDataContainer, OriginatingVehicleContainer, speed #9

Open yuasabe opened 2 years ago

yuasabe commented 2 years ago

StationDataContainer, OriginatingVehicleContainer, speed in the CPMs are currently set to 0. Add correct value from Autoware.

The vehicle velocity in Autoware is tracked in the /vehicle/status/velocity_status topic of type autoware_auto_vehicle_msgs/msg/VelocityReport. Example below. The longitudinal_velocity is what we want in meters per second.

    sec: 1652955962
    nanosec: 756808121
  frame_id: base_link
longitudinal_velocity: 0.0
lateral_velocity: 0.0
heading_rate: -0.0