tlaplus / foundation

TLA+ Foundation
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TLA+ Foundation

Goals of the Foundation

The TLA+ Foundation (TLAF) is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to fostering the adoption of the TLA+ specification language in industry, academia, and education, guided by the overall goal of advancing the mathematical thinking in software engineering. The TLAF funds development related to TLA+ to broaden its use and facilitate a thriving TLA+ community, encouraging cooperation among members of that community.

See the TLA+ Foundation Charter and the TLA+ Technical Charter for more details.

The values of the Foundation

The core principles guide the actions of the foundation:

Press Release

The TLA+ Foundation's launch press release can be found here.


The TLA+ Foundation would not exist without the support of the Member organizations listed below. If your company or organization is interested in joining as a Member, please begin the process here.

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