tleers / llm-api-starterkit

Beginner-friendly repository for launching your first LLM API with Python, LangChain and FastAPI, using local models or the OpenAI API.
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api fastapi langchain large-language-models llm llmops tutorial


For a step-by-step guide and more context, please look at my blog post:

This repository is the most minimal implementation of an LLM API possible, focusing on making this technology accessible to coders new to LLMs & APIs. The core libraries are langchain & fastapi.

For an example that is more comprehensive and adhering to best practices, I will soon share more examples.


There's three steps to starting the demo or starting development with this template.

  1. Installation of general python package requirements/dependencies
  2. Selection of LLM model & dependencies
  3. Running the FastAPI application

1. Installation of dependencies

We use the most common way of installing dependencies, which is using pip install with a requirements.txt.

Tutorial was created using Python 3.10.

pip install -r requirements.txt

It is advised to install these requirements in a virtual environment. To create a virtual environment and install the requirements there, use the following:

python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Ideally, we use dependency management with poetry for a smoother experience (see for an example). We ignore this additional complexity for now in this example.

2. LLM model preparation

2.1 With an OpenAI key

  1. Change the filename of .env.example to .env
  2. Add your OpenAI API key to .env


2.2 Without an OpenAI key

Note that you need sufficiently powerful hardware to run a local model. It's easier to use the OpenAI API if you're initially experimenting. Making an account means you get free credits, which are usually more than you need.

X86-64 architectures (Windows, Linux, non-Apple silicon Mac)

We use LlamaCpp.

  1. Download model weights that are compatible with the llamacpp implementation. I use vicuna 1.1 quantized, as recommended on

  2. Make sure the model weights are in the current directory and you know the filename. In this tutorial, the filename is ggml-vic7b-uncensored-q4_0.bins

ARM64 architectures or M1/M2 Mac

LangChain support for LLamaCpp is currently iffy on Apple Silicon. Therefore, we instead use the GPT4ALL integration. Download the model file here:

  1. Download model weights from There are many different ones available, take a look at what best fits your usecase. I use "ggml-gpt4all-j-v1.3-groovy.bin"

  2. Make sure the model weights are in the current directory and you know the filename. In this tutorial, the filename is ggml-gpt4all-j-v1.3-groovy.bin

3. Running the FastAPI application

You should be ready to run the most basic example.

With OpenAI API

uvicorn app.main_openai:app --port 80 --env-file .env

With local LLM using Vicuna, compatible with X86_64 architecture

uvicorn app.main_local_lamacpp:app --port 80

With local LLM using GPT4All, compatible with X86_64 as well as arch_64 (mac m1, m2) architectures.

uvicorn app.main_local_gpt_4_all:app --port 80

Go to https://localhost:80/docs to see the automatically generated API documentation.

You can also try out the summarization endpoint by clicking Try it out!

Showing FastAPI with the Try it out button