tleyden / eyepi

Object detection on Raspberry Pi with AWS Lambda/S3 backend
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Security camera object detection software that runs on a Raspberry Pi.

When a person is detected by the model it sends an email/text notification with a 5 second video clip stored on AWS S3.


Table of Contents


Known security issues

Setup Raspberry Pi (Headless)

Install Eyepi

Clone repo

On the raspberry pi, git clone this repo.

$ git clone
$ cd eyepi

Install docker engine

Install docker engine using the convenience script.

Add the pi user to the docker group:

$ sudo usermod -aG docker pi

Build Eyepi Docker image from Dockerfile

$ docker build . -t eyepi

Make sure you can run the docker image:

$ docker run -it --device=/dev/video0:/dev/video0 eyepi --s3bucket eyepi

At this point you should see an error: botocore.exceptions.NoCredentialsError: Unable to locate credentials since you aren't passing in the AWS creds yet. That's covered in a later step.

Setup AWS Cloud

IAM User with S3FullAccess

Create a new IAM User called "eyepi" and associate S3FullAccess permissions. (TODO: limit permissions)

Screen Shot 2021-01-06 at 10 20 29 PM

S3 Bucket

Create a new bucket with a globally unique name - for example <your-email>-eyepi, and settings:

Step 1: Allow public access

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Step 2: Use the default ACL

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SNS topic + subscription

Create a new SNS topic called EyePiNotificationsSNS, and create an email subscription with your email address.

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Lambda function

Step 1: Create a new lambda function from the s3 bucket blueprint

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Step 2: Set function name and role name to EyepiLambda, choose your eyepi s3 bucket for the s3 trigger

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Step 3: Copy the code from from this repo into the lambda code text area, and hit the "Create" button

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Step 4. Go to the lambda function permission section and click the role

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Step 5: Add the AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess and AmazonSNSFullAccess policies

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Step 6: In the lambda configuration section, add the SNS ARN as an environment variable called SNS_TOPIC_ARN

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Run eyepi docker container

First set the boto env variables using the access key and secret key for the IAM user created above (without the {}'s):

$ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="{your-aws-access-key}"
$ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="{your-secret-key}"

Now launch the docker container

$ docker run -it -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY --device=/dev/video0:/dev/video0 eyepi --s3bucket <your-bucket-name>

Test it out

You should see output like:

S3 creds OK
read a frame
Frame rate: 1
read a frame
Frame rate: 4.521088120478825

Now walk in front of the camera for a few seconds, and you should see this output:

Person detected!!  Capturing video
read a frame
Captured frame 6/5
Finished capturing video, returning to IDLE state
Finished capturing video: /tmp/alert_1610002882.726963.avi
Uploading /tmp/alert_1610002882.726963.avi -> eyepi/alert_1610002882.726963.avi ..
Finished uploading /tmp/alert_1610002882.726963.avi -> eyepi/alert_1610002882.726963.avi ..

and you should receive an email alert with subject "EyePi person detected" and text:

person detected with 0.73828125% confidence. Watch captured video:

Clicking the link on iOS Safari should play it directly.

Run as a daemon process in the background

Kill the docker container previously launched, and re-run and replace the arguments:




Where the -d tells docker to daemonize the process. It will show the container id, eg: ce43d7b59c, and you can view the logs with:

$ docker logs -f ce43d7b59c

Command Line Args

Name Description Example
s3bucket The name of the s3 bucket to upload capture videos to --s3bucket eyepi
targetobject The object to detect --targetobject mouse
threshold The detection threshold between 0.0 and 1.0 --threshold 0.72
modeldir The directory in the container relative to /root where to look for the model. Can be docker volume mount or absolute path. --modeldir modeldir


  1. Evan Juras
  2. Adrian Rosebrock

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