tlmakinen / powerbox-jax

Jax implementation of Steven Murray's powerbox:
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"powerbox + Jax ... like PB&J, an ideal combo"

Jax implementation of powerbox for autodifferentiability. powerbox-jax is functionally equivalent to powerbox, but is now fully differentiable and XLA-compatible !



For installation on the command line or Colab, call

pip install git+

example: generate a differentiable mock dark matter field

In computational cosmology it is of interest to take gradients of cosmological fields with respect to underlying global parameters. Doing so lets us efficiently calculate information content and train neural networks via gradient descent (see

For this example we'll need to install the imnn and jax-cosmo packages:

pip install imnn


pip install jax-cosmo

Now onto the code. First import the necessary packages:

import jax.numpy as np
from jax import grad, jit, vmap
from jax import random
import jax

# for getting gradients
from imnn.utils import value_and_jacrev, value_and_jacfwd

# for the power spectrum
import jax_cosmo as jc

# powerbox-jax import
import powerbox_jax as pbj
from powerbox_jax.dft import _set_left_edge, fftfreq

# for get_power function
import powerbox as pbox

Next, let's define a (differentiable !) cosmological power spectrum using jax-cosmo. We're going to vary two parameters for our universe, and .

# define cosmology
cosmo_params = jc.Planck15(Omega_c=0.4, sigma8=0.6)
θ_fid = np.array(

# define power spectrum
def P(k, A=0.40, B=0.60):
    cosmo_params = jc.Planck15(Omega_c=A, sigma8=B)
    return jc.power.linear_matter_power(cosmo_params, k)

Next we'll choose a Jax PRNGKey and create a LogNormalPowerBox object:

rng = jax.random.PRNGKey(32)

N = 128.
L = 250. # Mpc

lnpb = pbj.LogNormalPowerBox(
    N=N,                                   # Number of grid-points in the box
    dim=2,                                 # 2D box
    pk = lambda k: P(k, A=0.3, B=0.8) / L, # The power-spectrum
    boxlength = L,                         # Size of the box (sets the units of k in pk)
    key = rng,                             # specify Jax PRNGKey
    vol_normalised_power=True,             # normalise power by volume
plt.imshow(lnpb.delta_x()[:, :],extent=(0,1,0,1))


Next, we can check to see if the simulator is indeed incorporating the power spectrum that we specified (using the original powerbox get_power() method):

p_k_lnfield, bins_lnfield = pbox.get_power(lnpb.delta_x(), lnpb.boxlength)
plt.plot(bins_lnfield, p_k_lnfield, label='simulated power')
plt.plot(bins_lnfield, P(bins_lnfield, 0.3, 0.8)/250., label='input power')


Nex, we can code a little wrapper for our gradient calculator:

def simulator(key, θ):
    A,B = θ

    lnpb = pbj.LogNormalPowerBox(
        N=128,                                # Number of grid-points in the box
        dim=2,                                # 2D box
        pk = lambda k: P(k, A=A, B=B) / 250., # The power-spectrum
        boxlength = 250.0,                    # Size of the box (sets the units of k in pk)
        key = key                             # Use the same seed as our powerbox
    return lnpb.delta_x()

and finally compute the gradients with respect to our two cosmological parameters for this fiducial universe !

# new random key
key,rng = jax.random.split(rng)

# get simulation and each gradient; freeze at given random key
mysim = lambda θ: simulator(rng, θ)

def simulator_gradient(rng, θ):
    return value_and_jacrev(mysim, argnums=0, allow_int=True, holomorphic=True)(θ)

simulation, simulation_gradient = value_and_jacfwd(mysim, argnums=0)(θ_fid)
# make a nice plot
cmap = 'viridis'

from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable

fig,ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(12,15))

im1 = ax[0].imshow(np.squeeze(simulation), 
                   extent=(0,1,0,1), cmap=cmap)
ax[0].title.set_text(r'example fiducial $\rm d$')
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax[0])
cax = divider.append_axes('right', size='5%', pad=0.05)
fig.colorbar(im1, cax=cax, orientation='vertical')

im1 = ax[1].imshow(np.squeeze(simulation_gradient).T[0].T, 
                   extent=(0,1,0,1), cmap=cmap)
ax[1].title.set_text(r'$\nabla_{\Omega_m} \rm d$')
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax[1])
cax = divider.append_axes('right', size='5%', pad=0.05)
fig.colorbar(im1, cax=cax, orientation='vertical')

im1 = ax[2].imshow(np.squeeze(simulation_gradient).T[1].T, 
                   extent=(0,1,0,1), cmap=cmap)
ax[2].title.set_text(r'$\nabla_{\sigma_8} \rm d$')
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax[2])
cax = divider.append_axes('right', size='5%', pad=0.05)
fig.colorbar(im1, cax=cax, orientation='vertical')

for a in ax:


Citing powerbox-jax

To cite this repository:

  author = {T. Lucas Makinen* and Steven Murray*},
  title = {{powerbox-jax}: {powerbox}, but in jax.},
  url = {},
  version = {},
  year = {2021},

Additionally, please also cite the original powerbox implementation here: