tls-kr / tls-app

Web Application for TLS
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TLS - 漢學文典

Build Status

This is the eXist-db application for presenting the Thesaurus Linguae Sinicae (TLS) -an Historical and Comparative Encyclopaedia of Chinese Conceptual Schemes on the Web.



Note: The data repositories are currently private. We plan to make them public in due time.

Building and Installation

  1. Download, fork or clone this GitHub repository, e.g:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the repository you just cloned, and call ant:

    cd tls-app

    You should see BUILD SUCCESSFUL, and two .xar files inside the build/ folder.

    1. There are two default build targets in build.xml:
      • dev includes all files, and unoptmized frontend dependencies. For development work.
      • prod is the official release. It only contains optimized files for the production server.
  3. Open the dashboard of your exist-db instance and click on package manager.
    1. Click on the add package symbol in the upper left corner and select one of the two .xar files you just created.

Data Packages

As noted under requirements above. The full TLS app depends on two further data packages:

The app in in this repository will attempt to download and install these apps when following the installation procedure. If for any reasons the data-apps are unavailable, the installation process will be aborted. You can find out more about the contents of the data packages by following the links above.


A xquery script 'stat.xql' in modules can be used to create a report of the content of the database. It can be executed with a cron job, to automate this action. For this to work, the following has to be added to the exist conf.xml file:

             cron-trigger="0 5 0/12 * * ?">

This will execute the module five minutes past noon and midnight. It will be
executed with the "guest" user identity, so the permission bits here have to be
set to "setuid" and "execute".