tm4321 / jquery.geocomplete

A simple plugin for Google Maps Autocomplete.
MIT License
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geocomplete google-maps google-maps-javascript google-place-autocomplete jquery-plugin

jQuery Geocomplete

A jQuery plugin for Google Maps Autocomplete.
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Table of contents

Quick start

Both the compiled and minified versions can be found within the dist/ directory:

└── dist/
    ├── jquery.geocomplete.js
    ├── jquery.geocomplete.min.css
    └── jquery.geocomplete.min.js

Basic usage

Setup the appropriate HTML ensuring that your form has an id and that you've added the data attributes to all the inputs you want to autocomplete.

The data attribute will be used to lookup the value once a place has been selected. The order of the lookup is as follow:

Capitalization, spaces and underscores do not affect any internal lookups

<div id="myForm">
  <input id="myInput" data-geocomplete="street address" />
  <select data-geocomplete="country"></select>
  <input data-geocomplete="formatted phone number" />

Then simply select the main input and call .geocomplete() with the id of the form

  formId: "myForm"

You can also use it to center a map based on the selected location.

var myMap = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("myMap"), {
  center : { lat: 37.5, lng: -120 },
  zoom : 6

  map: myMap



You can set the defaults at $.fn.geocomplete.settings

Setting Type Default Description
appendToParent boolean true Appends the autogenerated .pac-container to the selected input's parent. This fixes the scrolling issue
bounds LatLngBounds undefined Google's Documentation
componentRestrictions object undefined Google's Documentation
fields Array\ undefined Google's Documentation
formats string Object An object containing functions that can be called to format custom results. The function is passed the PlaceResult class and must return a String. Geocomplete will look for these first before searching for properties then finally address components
formId string undefined The id of the form containing the inputs to be autocomplete
geolocate boolean false Sets the bounds based on the browser's location. Used to bias the search results to a specific area
inputDataKey string geocomplete The name of the data attribute used to autocomplete inputs. Do not prefix with data-
map google.maps.Map undefined The google map you would like to center based upon the selected location
strictBounds boolean false Google's Documentation
types Array\ undefined Google's Documentation


Callback Context Description
onChange(name, result) $selector Is called after a place is changed. Recieves the name and the place results
onNoResult(name) $selector Is called after a place is changed but no result was found. Recieves the name that was entered

Address Types

You can access the short_name value by addding "short" in front of the type. Otherwise it will return the long_name value. Below is a list of all the aliases. You can find the full list of address types here

Type Google Equivalent
city locality
county administrative_area_level_2
state administrative_area_level_1
street route
zip code postal_code
zip code suffix postal_code_suffix


All the following methods can be called using the syntax:

$("#myInput").geocomplete("method name", arguments)
Method Arguments Returns Description
center map LatLng | LatLngBounds $selector Centers the map based on the supplied LatLng or LatLngBounds. If nothing is passed, it will use the last selected location. This is automatically called when a location is selected.
clear form none $selector Clears all the inputs inside the form. This is automatically called before filling the form.
fill form PlaceResult | none $selector Fills all the inputs based on the supplied PlaceResult or the last selected location. This is automatically called when a location is selected.
get bounds none LatLngBounds Google's Documentation
get cached place none PlaceResult Returns the last PlaceResult that was retrieved. The get place method will result in an additional API call
get fields none Array\ Google's Documentation
get form values string | none Object | Any Returns an object containing the form values from the last selected location. You can optionally supply a query to return a specific value
get place none PlaceResult Google's Documentation
set bounds LatLngBounds $selector Google's Documentation
set component restrictions Object $selector Google's Documentation
set fields Array\ $selector Google's Documentation
set options Object $selector Google's Documentation
set types Array\ $selector Google's Documentation



Trent Mentink

Copyright and license