= A Dropbox Sync Daemon / cron script written in Ruby.
It allows you to sync a folder in your Dropbox with a directory in your filesystem without running the Dropbox client (useful in non-x86 NAS, etc).
== Key issues
Dropbox is unwilling to approve a "production" key for this application due to the keys being embedded in the source. Therefore only 5 different Dropbox users will be able to use this application as is. If you run into issues with the key you should create a new app ( https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps ) and replace the keys in lib/initializer.rb
== Usage
The first step is to install the bundle:
bundle install
Then you need to allow acess to your Dropbox and select a local directory for sync:
bundle exec ruby oauth.rb
Once that is done you should be able to sync:
bundle exec ruby cron.rb
The daemon can be started like this:
bundle exec ruby daemon_runner.rb start
== Notes