tmayoff / obsidian-meals

A meal plan & recipe manager plugin for Obsidian
MIT License
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Meal Planning and Recipe Management Pluging for

This plugin helps you manage your list of recipes as well as plan meals for the week.


Formatting recipe notes

This plugin supports two formats of your recipes to extract be able to extract the correct information.

  1. RecipeMD
  2. And a simpler but to be deprecated format, based on headings, Create an h1 heading called: Ingredients and another called Directions.


# Ingredients
- 1tsbp baking soda
- ...

# Directions
1. Mix dry ingredients together


Recipe's can be searched for using the 'Find a Recipe' dialog from the command palette. You can search for recipes based on ingredients. You can add recipes to a list on the side and you can then add those reipces to particular days in the Meal Plan.

Meal planning

When recipes are added to the meal plan they're automatically added to the Meal Plan note in the current week.

Shopping list

Recipe ingredients can be added to the shopping list in two ways:

  1. You can add them individually from the note's context menu
  2. You can add the ingredients for the week from the Meal Plan using the command palette.

Formatting To customize how ingredients are added to the shopping list you can modify the Shopping list format setting (defaulted to: {description} {quantity} {unitOfMeasure} ({altQuantity} {altUnitOfMeasure})). The value of the setting can contain any text and to paste properties from an ingredient you can use the {property} syntax.

Properties are:

Developer Notes