tmbritton / indeed-code

Created with CodeSandbox
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Trivia game

You have been assigned a new trivia game prototype. Your task is to build a fully functional experience that meets the requirements below.

You received a partial, rough design. It is missing some layouts, features, and design details. As you develop the game, add those missing aspects in your prototype by extending the theme in the provided designs. You may also augment your own features or break away from the theme entirely reskinning the experience if you like. Consider features not included in the design such as a timer to impress us.

Guideline for completing the exercise


JPEG images for the game are included in this repo. This Figma file is also available for you to reference as well.

To import the file in Figma, download the Trivia-game-Figma-design.fig file. Open Figma (website or app) and use the Import file button to import the design.

The user experience

Sample Questions

We provide a set of sample questions, however the candidate is open to create their own questions if they so choose.

How to clone the game

Open the CodeSandbox template and save to create your own unique fork.

How to submit your game

Send the URL for your saved fork to your Indeed recruiter.