Closed jasmyace closed 8 years ago
This Issue has been edited extensively, in order to detail the process currently utilized to prepare for a release. You may wish to review it, since I don't believe direct edits of previously posted Issues send out update emails.
Release Doug Foxtrot was released on 3/30/2016. I think maybe it sent an email to all watchers, confirming its upload.
(from Doug)
The attached file provides my initial review comments on the 03 29 2016 R code and how it affects the Production by Life Stage and Run report. Start with the Readme work and focus on the text in red. I have some concerns in regards to a few of the imputed catch numbers. After you have time to digest my spreadsheet, let’s get on the phone for a phone call.
Production by Life Stage and Run
I need some feedback from Jason: I have not attempted to validate the: (1) trap efficiency data or (2) the catch data on days when catch was not imputed. Doing that takes a LOT of effort. When I got the 06 17 2015 R code, the R code was processing those 2 kinds of data the way I expected. Because I have limited knowledge of how the code was modified in 2016, I don’t know if Jason adjusted the code for those two items or if it has been static. Please give me a recommendation: do I need to go back and validate the non-imputed catch values and trap efficiency data, or can I safely assume the code for those things has not been changed and so I don’t need to validate those kinds of data?
OVERVIEW: I have spent a decent amount of time investigating Doug's spreadsheet. I see his observations encompassing three separate areas of investigation/commentary, when comparing passage for American River estimates in years 2013, 2014, 2015, from Jan 1 through Aug 1.
RESOLUTION: The easy answers to Doug's three areas of concern are
Even though Doug tested three separate years' worth of data, I focused on 2013, if only because
The problem with the catch.png had been previously observed, and fixed. I think it bled back into the working set of R code by my utilizing two separate branches in GitHub at the same time. This means that work that focused on one set of updates was currently being stored in one location, while work that focused on a separate set of updates was stored in a different location. However, the set of work comprised two complete (but slightly separate) versions of the same exact files (the R programs). Storing work in this way is how GitHub operates. I have found that sometimes, the work I intended for the one version ends up in the other, and vice versa. This creates problems when I go to merge it all together, and I keep the wrong sections of code from each program. I'm sorry I didn't catch this before it went out the door. It has already been fixed. I have already resolved to not store programs in two branches (the GitHub term) in this way ever again.
I stress this was a stupid mistake on my part, and all the data necessary for plotting make it to this point in the code. I'm just plotting the wrong variable.
We have made a lot of changes to the data and process on which imputation depends. These include
Issue #15 Issue #48 Issue #70 Issue #71 Issue #73 (Not applicable to the American) Issue #74 Issue #76 Issue #77
So generally, we should expect at least some type of change in the reported imputation numbers, when comparing the old versus the new.
In order to try and winnow down the possibilities (which include a possible error), I ran the 2013 production runs on each of the old and new set of code. This emulates what Doug did in his worksheet "issue #1 code not ok" and his attached workbook above.
Keep in mind that models are fit on a per-trap basis, which compartmentalizes the imputation investigation to each independent trapPositionID
. So, I focused first on trap 57003, whose data is in rows 211-234. This is the trap of the shortest duration; in theory, I assumed then that finding the reason for the alleged discrepancy on March 4th and March 5th would be easiest for this trap.
In the old code, as highlighted in red in cells F229 and F230, it appears that the spline is decreasing over this time period. In the new code, as highlighted in red in cells V229 and V230, it appears the spline is increasing over this time period. In both cases, the imputed numbers appear to be of the same general order of magnitude of this trap's observed catch. Further, the change in the imputed catch over this one day, in both cases, is approximately the same magnitude (a few hundred fish or so), even if they go in opposite directions. It is worth pointing out that for this trap, there are no strings of preceding or antecedent zeros. So, in this case, the modification made to fix the exploding confidence interval changes nothing in the data for this trap (and hence the statistics).
Given the sign change, I did the practical thing: I looked at the spline used to estimate the imputation. In the old code, I discovered that a quadratic (i.e., a parabola) is being fit to the catch data for trap 57003. In the new code, a line with slope is being used. (I say a "line with slope" to differentiate from a horizontal line, which has no slope.) So, a simpler model is being used to fit the data in the new code.
Recall that the process used to determine the complexity of the spline to be used is iterative. It first (and always) calculates an intercept-only model (which is the same thing as a line with no slope). Next, it calculates a line with trend, and assuming success, calculates the so-called Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). Having also calculated the AIC for the model with no slope, it then compares the two. AICs of more complex models (the linear model with slope) that are less by their comparatively simpler models (the linear model with no slope) by more than 2 (the generally accepted value promoted in the literature) allow us to conclude that the more complex model is worth keeping. Note that only the difference in AIC between two models matters. AICs for models calculating great distances in space may have individually huge AICs, while AICs for models involving organelles of cells may have minuscule AICs. Only the difference matters.
Practically, in fitting a model to the temporal trend of catch, we start with a horizontal intercept-only model. If the data support it, we add a linear trend. If the data support more, we add a quadratic term to the model. If the data support even more, we add a cubic trend to the model. Note that up to this point, we're just building a third-degree polynomial, term-by-term. If the data support even more than this, we start busting out cubic splines. In many cases (such as this example that covers a short time span), we never need to use splines.
To make this concrete, this is how the model builds up to the quadratic used in the old code for trap 57003.
This is what the old code did.
Now, for the new code. Actually, the new code does the same exact thing in terms of the AIC differencing. This is a fundamental statistics thing, and is not unique to splines or GAMs or this project. What is different is all the Issues that have been implemented since the last round of code. But the important one is Issue #76: Modification of Knots / Degrees of Freedom Used in Spline Methodology.
Before, we let pure statistics dictate when a more complex model could be introduced in lieu of a simpler one. Recall that in Issue #74, I describe a short 11-day trapping instance in which the spline utilized was overly complex; in that case, the trend was estimated to go up, and then down, and then up, and then down, and so on. Statistically, this was the best model. Biologically, I don't think you could sell a practical reason as to why catch would ebb and flow like that over such a short period (except for random variation).
Additionally, keep in mind, via Issue #71, these short trapping periods became more important, due to the incorporation of Connie's gap-in-fishing logic. Due to gaps-in-fishing slicing and dicing catch periods, we suddenly saw several short trapping periods of a few days that suddenly started to receive their own catch model. The implementation of Issue #76 was in direct response to behavior that originated with Issue #74, which manifested due to Issue #71.
Practically, Issue #76 slows down the process by which a simpler spline model can graduate to a more complex model. The rule we came up with is that each new, more complex, model had to have at least an additional 15 data points to support it. This means that if a spline was fit to a trap that contained only 14 data points, it will always be an intercept-only model. Similarly, a trap that only has 29 data points can never possibly be a quadratic, which would require at least 30. Note that for many rivers, this means that for our spline models to conclude the existence of a parabola, we need at least 30 data points, since many rivers collect trap data daily. For those that collect it twice a day, a parabola could be concluded over about 15 days.
And so, here it is. The number of data points for trap 57003 being fed to the spline is only 22. So, by design, a quadratic will never be fit here. The AICs above, from the old code, are almost exactly the same as they are for the new code. (Note that I am assuming that the small changes are due to other changes, i.e., the other Issues, etc.) This means that we're ignoring (in this case!) a strong statistical result in deference to what we like to think is practicality, as far as the biology is concerned. Given the large reduction in AIC between the linear and quadratic models (which the new code ignores), I could believe that by settling for the less-than-statistically-superior linear model, we would see relatively large swings in imputation, due to an overall poorer fit, when compared to before, which may or may not have been best.
I think we would all agree that if slow trending in catch is occurring over time, we would expect to see more increases followed by decreases (or decreases followed by increases) with increasing amount of time fished. We roughly incorporate that by only allowing more complex models with increasing data points (which implies more time fished). But, there is no reason we have to stick to 15 data points as the model-jump criteria. There is also no reason to keep it as a linear progression (although that is easier to program).
I'm confident this is the fundamental reason as to why the imputation numbers have changed. Note that in some cases, e.g., rows 84 and 87, the imputed numbers go down. We would expect that sometimes the imputed numbers would go up, and other times they would go down. Further, in general, given that 15-data-point threshold, we would expect that the spline models utilized in the new code are generally simpler than those used in the old code, where there was no such restriction. This is indeed the case. The following table itemizes the type of models used in the old and the new code. Note the two extra lines for trap 57005, due to the gap in fishing.
Trap Non-zero
Data Points Old Model New Model
57001 69 Cubic Spline w/ 1 knot Cubic Spline w/ 1 knot
57002 41 Cubic Spline w/ 3 knots Quadratic
57003 22 Quadratic Linear
57004 30 Cubic Quadratic
57005 11 Cubic Spline w/ 1 knot xxx
57005 8 xxx Intercept-Only
57005.01 3 xxx Intercept-Only
I stress that the number 15 was chosen arbitrarily, as it's a "nice" number. I think in general, if we decide we want to change it, it makes sense to determine the minimum number of data points (but days may be better?) to model a catch spike, or maximum. At its simplest, this translates to a parabola, or quadratic model, and hence a means by which we could tune other models' thresholds.
As noted, there is a gap in fishing for trap 57005. This changes passage a decent amount in this case, as suddenly, there are several days for this trap that are never fed to the program, and thus have no passage estimated. This is by design.
We have made many changes and updates; this version is now obsolete.
OVERVIEW: The task list for the current set of enhancements and bugs is growing small. It's time to start thinking about the to-do list for the next release.
RESOLUTION: Set up a list of things to do, so as to maintain timelines and expectations.
DETAILS: In order to ensure a smooth transition for the next release, the following needs to occur.
:white_check_mark: Complete the Big Looper on all reports. This includes reports with dependencies on updated queries and helper functions. COMPLETE -- 3/24/2016
a. :white_check_mark: Estimates production by life stage and run. COMPLETE -- 3/24/2016 b. :white_check_mark: Estimates production for ALL runs. COMPLETE -- 3/24/2016 c. :white_check_mark: View all catch records. COMPLETE -- 3/28/2016 d. :white_check_mark: Export non-Chinook catch records. COMPLETE -- 3/24/2016 e. :white_check_mark: Sum Chinook by date. COMPLETE -- 3/29/2016 f. :white_check_mark: Summarize releases. COMPLETE -- 3/24/2016 g. :white_check_mark: Plot fork length through season. COMPLETE -- 3/25/2016 h. :white_check_mark: Plot histograms of fork length (
lifeStage = FALSE
). COMPLETE -- 3/25/2016 i. :white_check_mark: Plot histograms of fork length (lifeStage = TRUE
). COMPLETE -- 3/25/2016 i. :white_check_mark: Plot the weekly effort over time. COMPLETE -- 3/24/2016:fish: Note that in running the Big Looper, both the "Plot fork length through season" and "Plot histograms of fork length" erred. This is due to data frame
now having a column entitledoldTrapPositionID
, due to our work with gaps in fishing, i.e., Issue #71. I have updated the code for each, in the appropriate spot, to incorporate this update since the last time these were checked via the Big Looper, i.e., the work updates detailed in Issues #30 and #31.:fish: I had never run the "Sum Chinook by date" report before in the Big Looper, as we have never done any updates / tweaks with it since I've been here. When I ran it however, it crashed continuously. I eventually figured out that once R is done running Connie's queries, it wasn't closing the connection to Access via a
statement. Adding this led to the reports completing as expected, over all iterations of the Big Looper. This minor update has been recorded via Issue #85.:white_check_mark: Checking results. COMPLETE -- 3/29/2016
a. :white_check_mark: Check passage estimates resulting from reports "Estimates production by life stage and run" and "Estimates production for ALL runs" for realistic numbers. COMPLETE -- 3/18/2016
:o: Compare estimates with external estimates. ONGOING -- 3/30/2016
1.:o: American -- Having this check complete is not necessary for this beta release.
c. :white_check_mark: Upload reports to the
site, into folderBig Looper Beta Release 4.5.1 Output
in folderFor Doug
. This is ideally done either early in the morning or on the weekend, when theFTP
site generally lacks use. COMPLETE 3/30/2016d. :white_check_mark: Upload all passage results for people to see / analyze. All passage estimates contained in this Excel spreadsheet. allEstsCompare.xlsx COMPLETE -- 3/28/2016.
folder of any old programs, files, etc. no longer needed. COMPLETE -- 3/17/2016Outputs
folder of any old testing output. COMPLETE -- 3/28/2016:white_check_mark: Version Control in the Platform. See Issue #55. COMPLETE -- 3/28/2016
a. :white_check_mark: Place a
file containing the release name in folderR-Interface
, so the appropriate field ends up populated within the Platform. COMPLETE -- 3/17/2016b. :white_check_mark: Check that the
file is working correctly. COMPLETE -- 3/28/2016:white_check_mark: Test, directly via the Platform, that all reports work as intended. All of the following
files should have anrun_R.out
text file, particular to that Platform report run. COMPLETE -- 3/29/2016a. :white_check_mark: Estimates production by life stage and run. COMPLETE -- 3/29/2016 by lifestage and b. :white_check_mark: Estimates production for ALL runs. COMPLETE -- 3/29/2016
c. :white_check_mark: View all catch records. COMPLETE -- 3/29/2016 all catch d. :white_check_mark: Export non-Chinook catch records. COMPLETE -- 3/29/2016 non-chinook e. :white_check_mark: Sum Chinook by date. COMPLETE -- 3/29/2016 sum f. :white_check_mark: Summarize releases. COMPLETE -- 3/29/2016
g. :white_check_mark: Plot fork length through season. COMPLETE -- 3/29/2016
h. :white_check_mark: Plot histograms of fork length. COMPLETE -- 3/29/2016
lifeStage = TRUE
COMPLETE -- 3/29/2016a. :white_check_mark: fall. COMPLETE -- 3/29/2016 plot histograms -- fall -- b. :white_check_mark: late fall. COMPLETE -- 3/29/2016 plot histograms -- late fall -- c. :white_check_mark: winter. COMPLETE -- 3/29/2016 plot histograms -- winter -- d. :white_check_mark:. spring COMPLETE -- 3/29/2016 plot histograms -- spring --
lifeStage = FALSE
COMPLETE -- 3/29/2016a. :white_check_mark: fall. COMPLETE -- 3/29/2016 plot histograms -- fall -- b. :white_check_mark: late fall. COMPLETE -- 3/29/2016 plot histograms -- late fall -- c. :white_check_mark: winter. COMPLETE -- 3/29/2016 plot histograms -- winter -- d. :white_check_mark:. spring COMPLETE -- 3/29/2016 plot histograms -- spring --
i. :white_check_mark: Plot the weekly effort over time. COMPLETE -- 3/29/2016 weekly
j :white_check_mark: Mokelumne BYPASS COMPLETE -- 03/29/2016 Moke BYPASS Date Moke BYPASS Date
:fish: Platform checking discovered that I had failed to turn off helper function
, which I made to help me keep track of fish as I was doing the plus-counts update. The call to this function has been turned off in bothlifestage_passage.R
.:fish: Platform checking revealed that I forgot to take out a
pred <<- pred
statement in the bootstrapping function. Syntax of this type puts data frames created within a local function environment to the global environment. But, they don't work if the first pass through doesn't create thispred
data.frame (due to no missing imputed catch values for that particular first trapping instance). It took a while to figure it out, but in the end, I commented out the offending line.:fish: I also rechecked the output requested a few months ago regarding the Mokelumne Woodbridge BYPASS plots. I found that in the interim, these reports had become broken, due to our updating the
for either (or both) of halfCone adjustments and gaps in fishing. In any case, I fixed that program so that these reports would work again. I ran the "by lifestage and run" report for an RBDD year to make sure I didn't break things all over again with these small changes, with output appearing as expected.master
branch of GitHub. COMPLETE 3/30/2016master
on GitHub. SUSPENDED 3/24/2016master
branch on GitHub. SUSPENDED 3/24/2016Interim R Releases
on theFTP
site. COMPLETE 3/30/2016At this point, the updated R code is ready for release, and the next stage in the checking process.