tmiklas / WWW-CexIo-API

Trading API helper module for
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=head1 NAME

WWW::CexIo::API - Perl interface to the Trade API



Perl interface to the Trade API as docummented at L Example:

use WWW::CexIo::API;

my $api = WWW::CexIo::API->new(
    ApiUser => 'cexio',
    ApiKey => 'API key',
    ApiSecret => 'API secret key',

if (my $balance = $api->balance) {
    print "GHS balance is " . $balance->{GHS}->{available} . "\n";

=head1 Description

This module provides easy access to the API published at, effectively allowing you to easily write trading scripts/applications for your account. The API however comes with several caveats - main one is the call quota currently set at 600 requests in 10 minutes (yes, that is 1 per second) and nonce that has to increment with every request. No surprise that Cex's API description suggests using epoch as nonce.

I looked at client libraries for other languages and all of them use straight C<time()> call to set the value of nonce, meaning the user has to think about managing quota. This module does it for you, enforcing 1sec delay if needed.

WARNING: if your application creates and uses more than one instance of the object, all quota management will be inefficient, meaning you can still be banned (by IP address) from trading at Use at your own risk, you have been warned.


There are three required parameters that should be passed when creating the API object.

=head2 ApiUser

This is the user name you use to sign-in into website, which is required for the API to work correctly.

=head2 ApiKey

Contains the API key you created for your account. Please remember that API keys have privileges assigned to them and can be limited to certain IP addresses at the time of creation.

=head2 ApiSecret

This is the secret key you received with your API key. Once the API key is activated, the secret key is hidden and can't be retrieved again. If you lost your secret key, you have to generate a new API key.

If the API key and matching secret you use have no permission to request certain API call, the service will still respond to the request, but instead of the actual data it will return only the error message like the one below (available via the response hashref)

{'error' => 'Permission denied'}

therefore it's a good idea to check if the hash containing service response contains an C key.


=head2 new(%hash)

Instantiate a new API object. Example:

my $api = WWW::Namecheap::API->new(
    ApiUser => ' username',
    ApiKey  => 'apikey',
    ApiSecret => 'apisecret',
    # Agent  => 'My API Agent/1.0', # optional, overrides default UA

Only C, C and C are required, in which case Agent defaults to C<WWW::CexIo::API/$VERSION>. Those are the defaults.


=head2 ticker($pair)

Fetches the ticker for a given pair. If pair is not provided GHS/BTC is assumed. Example:

# GHS/BTC ticker
my $ticker = $api->ticker;
print "Last GHS/BTC trade price was ". $ticker->{last} . "\n";

# NMC/BTC ticker
my $ticker = $api->ticker('NMC/BTC');

Returned hashref example:

$VAR1 = {
      'high' => '0.0564',
      'bid' => '0.050386109999999998',
      'volume' => '51616.87351347',
      'timestamp' => '1388150228',
      'last' => '0.05053538',
      'low' => '0.05',
      'ask' => '0.050399989999999999'


=head2 order_book()

Fetch order book for a given pair. Once again this is public function that works unauthenticated and returns a hashref containing asks and bids in a form of array of arrays. Example:

my $orders = $api->order_book('NMC/BTC');
# price spread = lowest ask price - highest bid price
# asks and bids are arrays of arrays, hence element indexes used below
my $spread = $orders->{asks}->[0][0] - $orders->{bids}->[0][0];
printf ("Spread is %0.8f NMC\n", $spread);  


=head2 trade_history()

PLACEHOLDER - This one is not implemented yet.


=head2 balance()

Get current balance for the account. Example:

if (my $balance = $api->balance()) {
    printf("You have %0.2f GH available and %0.2f GH in orders\n", 
        $balance->{GHS}->{available}, $balance->{GHS}->{orders});

Sample structure of C<$balance> hashref:

$VAR1 = {
      'DVC' => {
                 'available' => '10.50787175'
      'BTC' => {
                 'orders' => '0.04500000',
                 'available' => '0.00271602'
      'NMC' => {
                 'orders' => '0.00000000',
                 'available' => '0.00506661'
      'timestamp' => '1388150547',
      'GHS' => {
                 'orders' => '0.00000000',
                 'available' => '1.00000000'
      'IXC' => {
                 'available' => '0.31037918'
      'username' => 'tmiklas'


=head2 open_orders($pair)

Get list of currently open buy/sell orders for a pair of commodities. If pair is not provided it defaults to GHS/BTC. Currently available pairs are GHS/BTC, NMC/BTC, GHS/NMC and BF1/BTC. Returns array of hashes containing order details. Example:

if (my $open_orders = $api->open_orders('GHS/BTC')) {
    ### need useful example

Example structure of C<$open_odrers> hashref:

$VAR1 = [
        'amount' => '1.00000000',
        'time' => '1388089598475',
        'pending' => '1.00000000',
        'price' => '0.045',
        'type' => 'buy',
        'id' => '108667336'


=head2 cancel_order($order_id)

Cancels order with given ID number.

# cancel order 1234567 - use open_orers() to find order numbers


=head2 place_order(%hash)

This function is used to place orders and requires several parameters. Example:

# buy 0.8208 GHS at 0.062 BTC/GHS
my $order = $api->place_order(
    'pair' => 'GHS/BTC',
    'type' => 'buy',
    'amount' => 0.8208,
    'price' => 0.062,

Please remember, this will only post your offer but the transaction will be executed only when the order is matched byt the other side.

=head3 pair

Defines where we post our trade offer - this would currently be one of C<GHS/BTC>, C<NMC/BTC>, C<GHS/NMC> or C<BF1/BTC>.

=head3 type

This has two possible values: C or C.

=head3 amount

Defines how many units you want to trade.

=head3 price

Defines price per unit of the commodity

Once order is placed the C<$order> hashref has the following structure:

$VAR1 = {
      'amount' => '0.00532212',
      'time' => '1388153024150',
      'price' => '0.00640383',
      'type' => 'sell',
      'pending' => '0.00000000',
      'id' => '111480877'


=head2 sign()

Generates signature required by the API to validate the authenticity of the request. During this process a nonce is internally set as C<$self-E{_nonce}>, as required by most of the API calls.


=head1 AUTHOR

Tomasz Miklas, C<< <miklas.tomasz {at}> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests using GitHub's issue tracker at L

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc WWW::CexIo::API



Copyright 2013 Tomasz Miklas.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.
