tmont / tail-stack-events

CLI script for tailing AWS CloudFormation stack events
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NPM version

This is a convenient little CLI script (written in Node) to tail the latest AWS CloudFormation stack events. The UI in the AWS console kind of sucks for getting a bearing on the status of a stack that is being updated/deleted/created, so this eases that pain. Or something.

This script has no dependencies, except @aws-sdk/client-cloudformation as a peer dependency.

Use 1.x versions for legacy aws-sdk support.

Sample Output

sample output


Install using NPM: npm install tail-stack-events

Install globally if you're into that and like shoving random things onto your PATH: npm install -g tail-stack-events


If installed locally, the path will be node_modules/.bin/tail-stack-events.

CloudFormation event tailer

Usage: tail-stack-events.js [options...]

--help, -h             Show this message
--stack-name, -s name  Name of the stack
--die                  Kill the tail when a stack completion event occurs
--follow, -f           Like "tail -f", poll forever (ignored if --die is present)
--number, -n num       Number of messages to display (max 100, defaults to 10)
--outputs              Print out the stack outputs after tailing is complete
--region region        The AWS region the stack is in (defaults to whatever is
                       in your AWS profile)

  This will do the default AWS stuff. Set AWS_PROFILE environment variable to
  use a different profile, or update ~/.aws/credentials, or whatever the AWS
  docs say to do.


  Print five previous events and successive events until stack update is complete:
    tail-stack-events -f --die -n 5 -s my-stack

  Print last 20 events for a stack in us-west-2 region
    tail-stack-events -n 20 -s my-stack --region us-west-2