tmplshdw / cloud_config_workaround

Script to keep different local graphics/display settings for games that sync them with Steam cloud
MIT License
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cloud config workaround

Workaround for games with graphics settings synced by Steam cloud

Currently works for:

Game not on the list?

Please create a new issue with the AppId and game name. Include the location and name of the file that holds the configuration. When looking for the file both and can be helpful.

How to add a game

You can add another game by adding it to the paths.txt file.

The format is:




Add one game per line and use forward slashes as path separators with Windows style path variables where needed.

If you successfully add another game please open a pull request so others can benefit.

How to use:

Linux/Steam Deck

Download the script somewhere and make sure it's set as executable. Also save the paths.txt file in the same place.

Alternatively just use git:

git clone ~/cloud_config_workaround

Add the launch option to the relevant game (change the location if you save it elsewhere)

/home/$USER/ %command%


Download the script somewhere

Add the launch option to the relevant game

\path\to\download\cloud_config_workaround.bat %command%

If using Flatpak version of Steam:

Follow Linux/Steam Deck step and ensure you give the Steam Flatpak read/write access to your Documents folder. You may also need to provide read permissions for where you saved the script if you saved it outside your Documents folder. Flatseal can be used to assist with this or in the KDE Plasma settings under Personization -> Applications -> Flatpak Permission Settings.

Multiple launch options

When you need to run multiple launch options alongside the script, only one %command% is needed at the end. Additional options may be added with a space to seperate each option Ex. /path/to/download/ gamemoderun %command%