tmuntaner / cavy

MIT License
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Cavy is a Ruby on Rails Mountable Engine CMS that strives to make it easier for developers to make better localized websites for their clients.

Warning: Cavy is still in development. Use at your own risk.



I don't have the gem in alpha yet, so you will have to pull it off the github repository. You can do this with the following line in your Gemfile.

gem 'cavy', '0.1.0.beta1'

Mounting the Engine to your Application

Go into your config/routes.rb file and add the following line near the top.

mount Cavy::Engine => '/'

Remember to mount the application where you want, '/' will mount it to the root of your domain.

Installing the Migrations

You can get the migrations with the following commands.

bin/rails cavy:install:migrations
bin/rails db:migrate

Cavy Configuration

You are able to configure some aspects of Cavy to personalize your install and to enable certain features. In order to do this, you need to make a configuration file such as config/initializers/cavy.rb. Here is an example configuration file taken from the dummy application.

Cavy.config do |config|
    config.root = 'home'
    config.title = 'Cavy Test'
    config.locales = [:en,:de]
    config.default_locale = :en

Here is the explanation of the configuration variables.

Everything Else

When you start the application, you will be asked to make an administration account. You can also create the administration account yourself through the console or a seed. If you do this, then you will not be asked to create an account.

Uploading Files to S3

You can upload images to S3 using the gem fog-aws

gem 'fog-aws'

Then you can create an initializer to setup your connection.

require 'carrierwave'

CarrierWave.configure do |config|
  config.fog_provider = 'fog/aws'
  config.fog_credentials = {
      provider: 'AWS',
      aws_access_key_id: 'Your secret key id',
      aws_secret_access_key: 'Your secret access key',
      region: 'Your s3 region',
      path_style: true
  config.fog_directory = 'Your s3 bucket'

module Cavy
  class FogUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
    storage :fog

Cavy.config do |config|
  config.uploader =


You can view the tutorials at our wiki.