tnicolaysen / ConfigRemedy

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Wix installer and how to test install packages #11

Open evgenyb opened 10 years ago

evgenyb commented 10 years ago

Since the end product will be installation package(s), we need to add Wix project(s) and "deploy" packages with Octopus. The interesting aspect here will be how to test packages.

Ideally we should test installation / upgrade process for different combination of the environments:

There are at least 2 options:

  1. Automated tests. That is - provision new VM with specified OS -> install/upgrade package -> run tests that will confirm that installation went well or failed...
  2. Let the community test it :)
tnicolaysen commented 10 years ago

I think #2 is the most feasible, but it might lead to some bad first impressions if it doesn't work. If it's easy to provision those environments, we should try all out at least once.