tnicolaysen / ConfigRemedy

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ConfigRemedy / Configuratron (TBD)

Continuous Delivery, hosting in the cloud and enterprise software development tease out some interesting problems related to configuration management. Configuratron tries to mitigate them.

Configuratron lets you take back control of your configuration

TODO: Selling points here TODO: Explain the problems

One of the progressive ideas we propose is to differentiate between environment and application configuration variables. We aim to extend what Octopus Deploy already provides. We believe that Octopus Deploy is very well suited to handle and maintain environment variables. Environment variables are very often related to server names, database connection strings etc. Application variables, on the other hand, are variables that change the way to application behaves. E.g. ReplyToAddress, EnableSendingOutsideDomain, UseLegacyCalculation etc. In many cases, you will have different values for settings in different environments.


Inspired by Escape