tnightengale / dbt-activity-schema

A dbt-Core package for generating models from an activity stream.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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A dbt package to query the Activity Schema data modelling framework, based on the relationships.

Table of Contents


This dbt package includes macros to simplify the querying of an Activity Stream, the primary table in the Activity Schema data modelling framework.

Note: Use this package to query an Activity Stream model that is already defined in a dbt project. It is not intended to create an Activity Stream model in a dbt project.

It relies on the Activity Schema V2 Specification.

It leverages and extends the relationships defined in that spec to self-join activities in the Activity Stream.


Include in packages.yml:

  - package: tnightengale/dbt_activity_schema
    version: 0.4.1

For latest release, see


Create a Dataset

Use the dataset macro to self-join an Activity Stream using relationships.

The dataset macro will compile based on the provided activity macros and the relationship macros. It can then be nested in a CTE in a dbt-Core model. Eg:

// my_first_dataset.sql


dataset_cte as (
    {{ dbt_activity_schema.dataset(
        activity_stream = ref("example__activity_stream"),

        primary_activity = dbt_activity_schema.activity(
            dbt_activity_schema.all_ever(), "bought something"),

        appended_activities = [
              dbt_activity_schema.first_before(), "visited page"),
              dbt_activity_schema.first_after(), "bought item"),
    ) }}

select * from dataset_cte

Note: This package does not contain macros to create the Activity Stream model. It generates the SQL to self-join an existing Activity Stream model.

Required Columns

This package conforms to the Activity Schema V2 Specification and requires the following columns to function:


This package can be configured with the following project variables. All project vars can be scoped globally or to the dbt_activity_schema package.

Column Mappings (optional)

The column_mappings project variable can be used to alias columns in Activity Stream. If the required columns exist conceptually under different names, they can be mapped to their names in the V2 Specification. Eg:

# dbt_project.yml

      # Activity Stream with required column names that
      # differ from the V2 spec, mapped from their spec name.
      customer: entity_uuid
      ts: activity_occurred_at


Included Columns (optional)

The included_columns project variable can be set to indicate the default columns to be included in each activity passed to dataset. Eg:

# dbt_project.yml

    # List columns from the Activity Schema to include in the Dataset
      - activity_id
      - entity_uuid
      - activity_occurred_at
      - revenue_impact


If it is not set, all the columns from the V2 Specification will be included, based on the columns macro.

These defaults can be overridden on a per-activity basis by passing a list of column names to the included_columns argument in the activity macro.


Dataset (source)

Generate the SQL for self-joining the Activity Stream.


Activity (source)

Represents either the primary activity or one of the appended activities in a dataset.



In the Activity Schema framework, relationships define how an activity is joined/appended to the primary activity in a self-joining query of the Activity Stream.

This package contains relationship macros for each relationship defined in the Activity Schema.

In the Activity Schema framework, a relationship encapsulates the logic for self-joining an activity.

This package extends the relationships defined in the Activity Schema V2 Specification in two ways:

  1. Some relationships can be applied to the Primary Activity and Appended Activities, whereas others can only be applied to the Appended Activities.
    • These are denoted with ✅, ❌ in the Dataset Usage section of each relationship below.
  2. Relationships that are not in the spec can be defined and contributed to this project. These are denoted below with the (Custom) tag.

All Ever (source) (Custom)

Include all occurrences of the activity in the dataset.

Dataset Usage:

Example Usage:

For every 'visited_website' append All Ever 'called_us'. This will result in a cross join of the activities. Therefore, this relationship, while it can be used for an Appended Activity is usually applied to a Primary Activity.

Nth Ever (source) (Custom)

Include the nth occurrence of the activity in the dataset.


Dataset Usage:

Example Usage:

For every 'visited_website' append Nth Ever 'called_us'. This will add the customer's Nth time calling on every row, regardless of when it happened.

First Ever (source)

Include the first ever occurrence of the activity in the dataset.

Dataset Usage:

Example Usage:

For every 'visited_website' append First Ever 'called_us'. This will add the customer's first time calling to every row, regardless of whether it happened before or after visiting the website.

Last Ever (source)

Include the last ever occurrence of the activity in the dataset.

Dataset Usage:

Example Usage:

For every 'visited_website' append Last Ever 'called_us'. This will add the customer's last time calling on every row, regardless of when it happened.

First Before (source)

Append the first activity to occur before the primary activity.

Dataset Usage:

Example Usage:

For every 'visited_website' append First Before 'opened_email'. This will add the the first email that the customer opened before their first visit.

Last Before (source)

Append the last activity to occur before the primary activity.

Dataset Usage:

Example Usage:

For every 'visited_website' append Last Before 'updated_opportunity_stage'. This will add the stage of the customer at the moment they visited the website. (ideal for slowly changing dimensions)

First After (source)

Append the first activity to occur after the primary activity.

Dataset Usage:

Example Usage:

For the First Ever 'visited_website' append First After 'signed_up'. For each customer add whether or not they converted any time after their first visit to the site.

Note: Be cautious when using this with All Ever for the primary activity. It will result in adding the same First After activity to multiple primary activity records, if the appended activity occurred after multiple primary activities. Consider using First In Between instead.

Last After (source)

Append the last activity to occur after the primary activity.

Dataset Usage:

Example Usage:

For the First Ever 'visited_website' append Last After 'returned_item. The most recent time a customer returned an item after their first visit.

Note: Be cautious when using this with All Ever for the primary activity. It will result in adding the same Last After activity to multiple primary activity records, if the appended activity occurred after multiple primary activities. Consider using Last In Between instead.

First In Between (source)

Append the first activity to occur after each occurrence of the primary activity, but before the next occurrence of the primary activity.

Dataset Usage:

Example Usage:

For All Ever 'visited_website' append First In Between 'completed_order'. On every website visit, did the customer order before the next visit. (generally used for event-based conversion)

Note: The appended activity will also be added to the row of the final occurrence of the primary activity, even though it is not technically in between another occurrence of the primary activity. The generated SQL for the dataset can be filtered further if desired, to remove those rows.

Last In Between (source)

Append the last activity that occurred after each occurrence of the primary activity and before the next occurrence of the primary activity.

Dataset Usage:

Example Usage:

For All Ever 'visited_website' append Last In Between 'viewed_page'. On every website visit, what was the last page that they viewed before leaving.

Note: The appended activity will also be added to the row of the final occurrence of the primary activity, even though it is not technically in between another occurrence of the primary activity. The generated SQL for the dataset can be filtered further if desired, to remove those rows.

Aggregate All Ever (source) (Custom)

Append a count of all activities that occurred that can be linked by the customer required column to a primary activity.


Dataset Usage:

Example Usage:

For every 'sign up' append Aggregate All Ever Completed Order. On every verified/signed up account, get the count of total orders placed.

Aggregate After (source) (Custom)

Append a count of all activities that occurred after each occurrence of the primary activity.


Dataset Usage:

Example Usage:

For every 'visited_website' append Aggregate After Completed Order. On every website visit, sum the revenue that was spent on completed orders after this visit.

Aggregate Before (source)

Append a count of all activities that occurred before each occurrence of the primary activity.


Dataset Usage:

Example Usage:

For every 'visited_website' append Aggregate Before Completed Order. On every website visit, sum the revenue that was spent on completed orders before this visit.

Aggregate In Between (source)

Append a count of all activities that occurred after each occurrence of the primary activity, but before the next occurrence of the primary activity.


Dataset Usage:

Example Usage:

For every 'visited_website' append Aggregate In Between 'viewed_page'. On every website visit, count the number of pages before the next visit.


Each of the relationships relies on an aggregation function, located here.

These aggregations use the call function of Jinja Templates, to allow complex expressions to be passed into the function.

Custom Aggregations

To create a custom aggregation, simply define a valid SQL aggregation function in a macro and pass it to any of the aggregation relationships. Eg:

{% macro custom_agg() %}

    when {{ caller }} is not null
      then 10
    else 1

{% endmacro %}

In the example above {{ caller() }} will be replaced with each of the columns passed to the activity.


To the best of the author's knowledge, this package is compatible with all dbt adapters.


Contributions and feedback are welcome. Please create an issue if you'd like to contribute.