tnnt-devteam / python-backend

Rework of the TNNT backend in Python for better maintainability
MIT License
0 stars 2 forks source link

TNNT backend powered by Django REST Framework

This is a rewrite of the old Perl backend, intended to be designed as a REST API using Django REST framework. Game data is source from xlogfile entries and stored in a database using Django's object model as DB abstraction. Django REST Serializers provide an abstraction for deserializing xlogfile data and serializing query results before rendering the output as JSON.


Dependencies and setup

Arch Linux

$ sudo pacman -S mariadb mariadb-clients python-mysqlclient python-yaml
$ sudo mysql_install_db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql
$ sudo systemctl start mysql.service


$ sudo apt-get install python3 pip mariadb-server mariadb-client
$ sudo apt-get install python3-dev default-libmysqlclient-dev build-essential

macOS Big Sur

In order for the rest of this guide to be consistent, add the following to ~/.zshrc.

alias python='python3'
alias pip='pip3'

Install mariadb:

$ brew install mariadb
$ mysql.server start

OS-independent steps

Optional: enter python virtual environment before installing dependencies

$ virtualenv env --no-site-packages
$ source env/bin/activate

Install python dependencies

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Create secrets file

Go to and add add the following to

export SECRET_KEY='<your_key_here>'
export DATABASE_PASSWORD='<db_pass_here>'

$ source

Setup database

$ sudo mysql

> CREATE DATABASE scoreboard;
> CREATE USER 'tnnt'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<db_pass_here>';
> GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'tnnt'@'localhost';


$ python migrate
$ python createsuperuser
$ python makemigrations scoreboard
$ python migrate

Import achievements, conducts, and trophies data

Note: this requires a copy of the TNNT game source to pull TNNT achievement names and descriptions from. However, achievements are now part of the repository, and the first command below only needs to be run if/when achievements are modified in the TNNT game source code. The import of fixtures should also only be done once, when a fresh Django server is being set up.

$ ./ /path/to/tnnt/source > scoreboard/fixtures/achievements.yaml
$ python loaddata achievements conducts sources trophies

Running and operation

The pollxlogs command will read xlog data from a list of sources with associated URLs, saved in the DB. Those sources were defined as fixtures and imported with the above loaddata command. The aggregate command will loop over all games and compute various aggregate data for individual players and for clans standings.

$ ./ pollxlogs
$ ./ aggregate

Optional: point DGL_DATABASE_PATH at real database

This is in tnnt/ By default, it points at dgamelaunch_test.db, which provides several "registered dgamelaunch accounts" (alice, bob, chuck, david, eve, fred, and gimli; each password is the same as the username) for dev and testing purposes. For production, you will want to point this to the full path of the real dgamelaunch sqlite database.

Run dev server

$ python runserver

Clearing databases

Use when you want to reset the DB structure; i.e. after changing a model.

Use wipe_db when you want to delete records from the database. It offers different options for erasing items. Note that all the options wipe all the games and reset the saved file positions of the downloaded source files to 0.

Loading a custom xlogfile

This is if you want to test specific behavior with a manually edited xlogfile. After making sure that Games are cleared from the database and at least one Source exists in the database, run:

$ python pollxlogs --file <your custom xlogfile>

Note that created Games will be associated with a random Source in the database, so dumplog links will probably not work.