toaarnio / llvm-ir-memprotect

LLVM IR instrumentation for protection against out-of-bounds memory accesses
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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This is an LLVM module for adding run-time protection against out-of-bounds memory accesses into LLVM IR bitcode.

Compiling annotated source documents:

   docco -c docs/custom.css ClampPointers.cpp


  1. Checkout LLVM source code:

    cd ~

    svn co llvm

  2. Checkout Clang source code:

    cd ~/llvm/tools

    svn co clang

  3. Build LLVM and Clang:

    cd ~/llvm



  4. Checkout LLVM-IR-MemProtect source code:

    cd ~/llvm

    git clone passes/ClampPointers

  5. Build LLVM-IR-MemProtect:

    cd ~/llvm/passes/ClampPointers


  6. Start experimenting:

    cd ~/llvm/passes

    clang -c -emit-llvm -O1 examples/array.c -o array.bc

    llvm-dis < array.bc

    opt -load -clamp-pointers array.bc -o array_clamped.bc

    lli array_clamped.bc

  7. See how clang, llvm-dis, opt, lli are used in tests

Alternative instructions (LLVM trunk does not have passes subdir, but all the passes are under llvm/lib):

COMPILING ClampPointers pass with llvm:

  1. copy this directory to llvm/lib/ClampPointers
  2. add directory to llvm/lib/Makefile 2.5 TODO: tell what else should be done to include pass to opt wihtout need to use -load switch (IIRC it was just one or couple of lines somewhere)
  3. configure and build llvm as usual
  4. loadable module can be found under build directory llvm-build/Debug+Asserts/lib/ or .dylib


  1. go to tests directory
  2. set absolute path of the to CLAMP_PLUGIN environment variable
  3. ./
  4. read tests/README

Implemented feateures:


Unimplemented cases:

Struct support: Structs without pointers inside are already supported partly, but there are still some serious bugs.

Array of pointers: Array of pointers sounds possible with reasonable work. It will have greater memory overhead than normal smart pointers/tables.

Pointer inside struct: Need quite a lot of work. e.g. To be able to pass them as parameters we need to create smart pointer, which can have other smart pointer structs as an element and write unpack algorithm to restore original structure after passing it. How about pointer array inside struct? Resolve what kind of structures exactly will be supported.

pointer to pointer: Not sure how this can be implemented specially resolving part wil be hard. We would need a way to resolve dynamically where to find limits for pointed pointer which is currently impossible and might have serious consequences to performance. Probably we would have to write some bookkeeping, which maps pointer limits run time or change all the code to use safe pointers in everywhere and get rid of original pointers completely. We could have some limititations that pointer to pointer must always respect limits of original pointer which would prevent at least some of the problems, but might not be really useful...


Refactor all safe cases to use safe mapping, where certain instructions are painted to be safe.

Refactor global variable handling to first collect all globals in analyze phase and then create safe pointers in transformation pass.

Check if safe pointer creation/bookkeeping can be refactored to separate module. Might make system easier to read and to reuse.

Run analysis passes before creating boundary checks to be able to check better if checks are needed in each place. E.g. in case where we know all range that pointer is assigned or if there is fixed length loop. Or any other loop whose boundaries can be verified without going to every iteration.