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my research using frida to hook into game's lua engine
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my research using frida to hook into game's lua engine

Target app was written in Cocos2dx

hooking method:



The big issue is that LDPlayer is based on x86_64 and this app only support arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a. => when having a good solution, I'll PR for frida & ceserver

Native call

var logFunctionAddr = Module.findExportByName('', '_ZN7cocos2d3logEPKcz') ?? new NativePointer(0x00); var logFunctionCall = new NativeFunction(logFunctionAddr, 'void', ['pointer']); var value = Memory.allocUtf8String("cocos log function called!"); logFunctionCall(value);

the output:


- read cocos version, it's cocos2d-x-4.0


### Native so hook

``` C++
typedef void(__cdecl* CCLog)(char const* input);
CCLog CCLogFunc;

void nativehook()
    uintptr_t ccLogFuncAddress = CC_LOG_FUNC_ADDRESS;
    CCLogFunc = (CCLog)(ccLogFuncAddress);
    CCLogFunc("native hook!");

and just invoke it from typescript agent