toastedcrumpets / stator

A compile-time Computer Algebra System (CAS) library (with some geometry)
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Stator is a header-only compile-time and runtime C++17 Computer Algebra System. Its designed to be fast, and uses metaprogramming to achieve much of this speed.

Aside from the math, it has some tools for application in event-driven dynamics/ray-tracing/collision-detection and is being extended towards thermodynamics applications.

For full details, see the Documentation:

C++ interface

Example to come!

Python bindings

Stator has python bindings to allow "fast" math in python. Its built around the parser

import stator
# Use the built-in expression parser to make objects like variables
x = Expr("x")
# You can then create more complex expressions
f = x*x+2
# And print them
print(f) # x*x+2
# They're still Expr objects
print(repr(f)) # Expr('x*x+2')
# You can evaluate them by substitution
result = sub(f, {x:2})
# And the result becomes a python float
print(result) # 6.0

# We can parse more complex expressions, like lists
funcs = Expr('[1, x, x^2/2, x^3/6, sin(x), sin(y)]')
# And take derivatives
print(derivative(funcs, x)) # [0, 1, 4*x/4, 18*x^2/36, cos x, 0]
# You'll note simplification is not very advanced (yet)

# Substitution can use dictionaries to provide computation 'contexts'
print(sub(funcs, {x:1, Expr('y'): 2})) # [1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.16666666666666666, 0.8414709848078965, 0.9092974268256817]


You need the Google test library to build the unit tests. The Boost interval library is needed for interval arithmetic support.

Alternatives/Similar software

For the compile-time C++ library:

For the python bindings:

For the interval arithmetic