tobias-kirschstein / gghead

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GGHead: Fast and Generalizable 3D Gaussian Heads

Paper | Video | Project Page

Tobias Kirschstein, Simon Giebenhain, Jiapeng Tang, Markos Georgopoulos, and Matthias Nießner
Siggraph Asia 2024

1. Setup

1.1. Dependencies

  1. Create conda environment ggh with newest PyTorch and CUDA 11.8:
    conda env create -f environment.yml
  2. Ensure that nvcc.exe is taken from the conda environment and includes can be found:
    1. [Linux]
      conda activate gghead
      conda env config vars set CUDA_HOME=$CONDA_PREFIX
      conda activate base
      conda activate gghead
    2. [Windows]
      conda activate gghead
      conda env config vars set CUDA_HOME=$Env:CONDA_PREFIX
      conda env config vars set NVCC_PREPEND_FLAGS="-I$Env:CONDA_PREFIX\Library\include"
      conda activate base
      conda activate gghead
  3. Check whether the correct nvcc can be found on the path via:
    nvcc --version

    which should say something like release 11.8.

  4. Install Gaussian Splatting (which upon installation will compile CUDA kernels with nvcc):
    pip install gaussian_splatting@git+
    1. [Optional] If you compile the CUDA kernels on a different machine than the one you use for running code, you may need to manually specify the target GPU compute architecture for the compilation process via the TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST environment variable:
      TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST="8.0" pip install gaussian_splatting@git+

      Choose the correct compute architecture(s) that match your setup. Consult this website if unsure about the compute architecture of your graphics card.

1.2. Environment Paths

All paths to data / models / renderings are defined by environment variables.
Please create a file in your home directory in ~/.config/diffusion-avatars/.env with the following content:


Replace the ... with the locations where data / models / renderings should be located on your machine.

2. Data


3. Usage

3.1. Training

3.1.1. FFHQ 512

3.1.2. FFHQ 1024

3.1.3. AFHQ


3.2. Rendering

3.2.1. Sampling 3D heads

From a trained model GGHEAD-xxx, render short videos of randomly sampled 3D heads via:

python scripts/ GGHEAD-xxx

Replace xxx with the actual ID of the model.
The generated videos will be placed into ${GGHEAD_RENDERS_PATH}/sampled_heads/
GGHead Visualizer Showcase

3.2.2. Interpolations

From a trained model GGHEAD-xxx, render interpolation videos that morph between randomly sampled 3D heads via:

python scripts/ GGHEAD-xxx

Replace xxx with the actual ID of the model.
The generated videos will be placed into ${GGHEAD_RENDERS_PATH}/interpolations/
GGHead Visualizer Showcase

3.3. Evaluation


3.5. Example Notebooks

The notebooks folder contains minimal examples on how to:

3.6. Visualizer

You can start the excellent GUI from EG3D and StyleGAN by running:


In the visualizer, you can select all checkpoints found in ${GGHEAD_MODELS_PATH}/gghead freely explore the generated heads in 3D. GGHead Visualizer Showcase


4.1. Pre-trained models

Put pre-trained models into ${GGHEAD_MODELS_PATH}/gghead.

Dataset GGHead model
FFHQ-512 GGHEAD-1_ffhq512
FFHQ-1024 GGHEAD-2_ffhq1024
AFHQ-512 GGHEAD-3-afhq512

  title={GGHead: Fast and Generalizable 3D Gaussian Heads},
  author={Kirschstein, Tobias and Giebenhain, Simon and Tang, Jiapeng and Georgopoulos, Markos and Nie{\ss}ner, Matthias},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.09377},

Contact Tobias Kirschstein for questions, comments and reporting bugs, or open a GitHub issue.