tobiaspfaff / grim_mouse

ResidualVM main repository
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Grim Mouse A point-and-click interface for Grim Fandango Version 0.7

Executables and instructions are available at

Source code is available at:

What is this ?

Grim Mouse allows to play 'Grim Fandango' like a point-and-click adventure, instead of the original tank-style keyboard controls. The mod is based on the ResidualVM game engine, which means it will also run on Mac and Linux, not only on Windows as the original game.

Current state

This mod is alpha. You may run into bugs, which may prevent you from finishing the game -- so save often and play at your own risk.

Installing Grim Mouse

Installation of Grim Mouse works exactly like installation of ResidualVM. In short:

  1. Copy all the files in the 'grimdata' folder of both Grim Fandango CDs into a folder on your hard drive. Overwriting duplicate files is fine.
  2. Download the original v1.1 patch (gfupd101.exe) from and put it into the same folder.
  3. Mac: Mount (double-click) the .dmg file, and drag the residualvm icon into /Applications Windows: Extract the contents of the zip file to any folder on your hard disk
  4. Start Grim Mouse / ResidualVM
  5. Click 'Add Game' and navigate to your gamedata folder from Step 1 The screen should say "Grim Fandango Windows/English". That's ok, even if running it on Mac or Linux.
  6. Click 'OK' and 'Start' -> you're all set.

If your have any problems installing, you may also consult the original ResidualVM guide ( or README.ResidualVM, as the process is the same.


Most of the keyboard controls still work in the original manner; while the game should be playable 100% using the mouse only, if there are some puzzles which you prefer to solve using the old interface, you can do so.


Bugs are to be expected. Please report your bugs in the github issue tracker (preferred) or by email (verticalduck (at) if you don't have a github account.

If you are stuck due to a bug and want to continue playing the game, you can try using the old controls to manouver out of broken boxes, or activating the developer mode with Shift+Z and teleport into an adjacent scene etc. (Check README.ResidualVM for the developer mode shortcuts)