tobiipro / g3pylib

A Python client library for Glasses3
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Glasses3 Python Library

This library is still in alpha. It's not yet feature complete and there are no guarantees that the API will be stable.

A Python client for Glasses3. It handles all the low level details of communication with the Glasses3 websocket API and exposes a Python API which includes all the endpoints in the websocket API of the Glasses3 as well as some extra convenience methods. It also implements streaming with RTSP and service discovery with Zeroconf.


This library should be platform independent in theory but the development has been done mainly in Windows environments and it's only briefly tested on other platforms.


For the moment we only support Python 3.10.

To install this package, clone it and use either

flit install


pip install .

To run examples or tests you need some extra dependencies which are installed by default with the flit command. If you are using pip the extra dependencies can be installed alongside the library with

pip install '.[test, examples, example-app]'

on windows: pip install ".[test, examples, example-app]"


The library documentation can be found here and there is also a developer guide for the glasses API in PDF format which can be downloaded here.


The tests and examples load the glasses hostname, which by default is the serial number, from the .env file in the project root folder. See example content below:


You can also specify this variable directly in your environment.


The example folder contains a few smaller examples showcasing different use cases of the library as well as a larger controller application with a simple GUI.

Run the example app with python examples/g3pycontroller.

Note, the examples use OpenCV, and there is a known issue with OpenCV and PyAv. If you experience freezes when displaying video frames in the samples, please check out the workarounds in the OpenCV repo. Thanks @edavalosanaya for mentioning this in


More information on how to contribute to this project can be found in

It contains developer guidelines as well as information on how to run tests and enable logging.